The California Critical Thinking Skills Test
David K. Knox
Director of Institutional Assessment
The California Critical Thinking Skills Test (CCTST) is the
premier critical thinking skills test in the world today. The
CCTST has been used in the USA and in authorized
translations worldwide with graduate student populations,
executive level adult populations, and undergraduate
students in all fields. It is a discipline-neutral measure of
What is the California Critical Thinking Skills Test?
The CCTST is designed to permit test-takers to demonstrate the critical thinking
skills required to succeed in educational or workplace settings where solving
problems and making decisions by forming reasoned judgments are important.
Used throughout the United States and in many countries and languages
around the world, the CCTST has been proven to predict strength in critical
thinking in authentic problem situations and success on professional licensure
In educational settings the CCTST is recommended for evaluating program
applicants, advising individual students, learning outcomes assessment,
program evaluation, accreditation and research.
In workplace settings the CCTST is often used to assess a job applicant's
reasoning skills as part of a comprehensive and cost-effective employment
process or as part of a staff development plan.
Purpose of the CCTST
The California Critical Thinking Skills Test (CCTST) is an objective measure of
the core reasoning skills needed for reflective decision making concerning what
to believe or what to do. The CCTST is designed to engage the test-taker's
reasoning skills.
Multiple choice items use everyday scenarios, appropriate to the intended test-
taker group. Each item requires that the test-taker make an accurate and
complete interpretation of the question. Any specialized information needed to
respond correctly is provided in the question itself.
The test items range in difficulty and complexity. Different questions
progressively invite test-takers to analyze or to interpret information presented in
text, charts, or images; to draw accurate and warranted inferences; to evaluate
inferences and explain why they represent strong reasoning or weak reasoning;
or to explain why a given evaluation of an inference is strong or weak.
The instrument is typically administered in 45-50 minutes; the length of the
instrument is set to permit maximum performance within the range of possible
effort for the intended test-taker group.
CCTST Overview
The CCTST provides an array of scale scores describing strengths and
weaknesses in various skill areas.
All forms and versions of the California Critical Thinking Skills Test return scores
on these scales: Analysis, Evaluation, Inference, Deduction, Induction and
Overall Reasoning Skills.
The seven scale version of the CCTST (available online) presents scale scores
in all of the individual core critical thinking skills listed above plus scores for
Interpretation and Explanation; this more refined presentation supports
undergraduate learning outcomes goals by enabling each of the skills to be
examined by assessors and addressed by educators.
CCTST Scores
All forms and versions of the California Critical Thinking Skills Test return scores on these scales: Analysis,
Evaluation, Inference, Deduction, Induction and Overall Reasoning Skills.
Scale Descriptions
Reasoning Skills - Overall:
The Reasoning Skills Overall describes overall strength in using reasoning to form reflective judgments about what to
believe or what to do. To score well overall, the test-taker must excel in the sustained, focused and integrated application
of core reasoning skills including analysis, interpretation, inference, evaluation, explanation, induction and deduction.
The Overall score predicts the capacity for success in educational or workplace settings which demand reasoned
decision making and thoughtful problem solving.
Analytical reasoning skills enable people to identify assumptions, reasons and claims, and to examine how they interact
in the formation of arguments. We use analysis to gather information from charts, graphs, diagrams, spoken language
and documents. People with strong analytical skills attend to patterns and to details. They identify the elements of a
situation and determine how those parts interact. Strong interpretation skills can support high quality analysis by
providing insights into the significance of what a person is saying or what something means.
Inference skills enable us to draw conclusions from reasons and evidence. We use inference when we offer thoughtful
suggestions and hypotheses. Inference skills indicate the necessary or the very probable consequences of a given set
of facts and conditions. Conclusions, hypotheses, recommendations or decisions that are based on faulty analyses,
misinformation, bad data or biased evaluations can turn out to be mistaken, even if they have been reached using
excellent inference skills.
CCTST Scales
Evaluative reasoning skills enable us to assess the credibility of sources of information and the claims they make. And,
we use these skills to determine the strength or weakness of arguments. Applying evaluation skills we can judge the
quality of analyses, interpretations, explanations, inferences, options, opinions, beliefs, ideas, proposals, and decisions.
Strong explanation skills can support high quality evaluation by providing the evidence, reasons, methods, criteria, or
assumptions behind the claims made and the conclusions reached.
Decision making in precisely defined contexts where rules, operating conditions, core beliefs, values, policies, principles,
procedures and terminology completely determine the outcome depends on strong deductive reasoning skills. Deductive
reasoning moves with exacting precision from the assumed truth of a set of beliefs to a conclusion which cannot be false
if those beliefs are true. Deductive validity is rigorously logical and clear-cut. Deductive validity leaves no room for
uncertainty, unless one alters the meanings of words or the grammar of the language.
Decision making in contexts of uncertainty relies on inductive reasoning. We use inductive reasoning skills when we
draw inferences about what we think must probably be true based on analogies, case studies, prior experience,
statistical analyses, simulations, hypotheticals, and familiar circumstances and patterns of behavior. As long as there is
the possibility, however remote, that a highly probable conclusion might be mistaken, the reasoning is inductive.
Although it does not yield certainty, inductive reasoning can provide a solid basis for confidence in our conclusions.
CCTST Scales
Individual and group scores are provided for all Insight Assessment test takers.
Different groups of test takers have very different performance levels and
therefore their scores differ quite a bit on standardized instruments. It is
important to understand how your group of test takers compares to selected
external norm groups, for example, the population of comparable regional or
national peer groups.
The reports for each Insight Assessment test instrument provide scores that can
be benchmarked against a variety of external norms so that our clients are able
to evaluate the scores of individual test takers or of their entire group.
Norms Available for the CCTST
Two Year Colleges
Four Year Colleges and Universities
Graduate Students and Professionals
Health Sciences Undergraduate Students
Health Science Graduate Students
G835 Graduate and Professionals (G835 is a higher level version of the CCTST used to evaluate
critical thinking and decision-making skills of executives, scientists, engineers etc.)
The validity of the California family of testing instruments is derived from the
cross disciplinary conceptual definition of critical thinking that emerged from the
APA Delphi Research Study (1988-1990) and was replicated by Department of
Education supported Penn State University Research study in the mid 1990’s.
Scales on the CCTST correspond to the Delphi’s main critical thinking skills.
Items on the CCTST are drawn from a pool of items tested over the past 20
years. Items used on each form of these instruments have gone through the
usual validation studies. Validation samples typically have samples composed of
test taker groups inside and outside the United States. Criterion validity for the
CCTST, the highest form of validity for measurement instruments, has been
demonstrated through independent research.
CCTST Validity
The CCTST has been designed to deliver high quality objective metrics on
the strengths and weaknesses of key aspects of thinking.
CCTST reports deliver individual and group results in a presentation ready
format. Each report includes a wide range of statistical and demographic
information about individuals and/or test-taker groups. Test-taker scores and
group summaries are presented with interpretative analysis by Insight
Assessment measurement scientists.
The CCTST measures and reports on an array of reasoning skill scale
scores. Online versions of the CCTST provide an overall measure of thinking
skills (Total Score) and the following individual scale scores: Analysis,
Interpretation, Inference, Evaluation, Explanation, Induction and Deduction.
CCTST Reports
CCTST Report Graphic
Thank You.