View courses online at and click on Our Programs, Continuing Education. Phone 252.940.6375
Beaufort County
Community College
High School Equivalency (GED) pp. 8-9
Small Business Seminars pp. 12-15
Motorcycle Safety p. 16
Real Estate License p.17
Fire Academy p. 23
Please take one!
View courses online at and click on Our Programs, Continuing Education. Phone 252.940.6375
The Registration Form can be
found on page 4. Print or tear it
out, insert payment and mail to
the address shown on the form.
Call 252.940.6375 to register
for classes and provide credit
card information for payment.
MasterCard, Discover and Visa are
You may register in person at the
following location:
Beaufort County
Community College
Continuing Education, Building 8
5337 US 264 East
Washington, NC 27889
Monday - Thursday
Payment can be made with cash,
check, money order and credit
card. You must pay at the time
of registration to complete your
You can now register and pay for
classes online.
We have instructions and a video
on this page to help you through
this new process.
Registration & Payment 2
General Information 3
Registration Form 4
Financial Assistance & Scholarships 5
Customized Training/Apprenticeships 6
Pesticide Safety 6
CCP Workforce Pathways for HS Students 6
Engine Repair 7
Manufacturing 7
High School Equivalency (GED) 8
English Language Acquisition 9
HVAC 10
Transportation/CDL 11
Computer & Information Technology 11
Small Business Center 12
Defensive Driving 15
Motorcycle Safety 16
Business 16
Real Estate 17
Languages 17
Move Ahead At Work 18
Healthcare 19
First Responder 22
Firearms 23
Restaurant 24
The Chefs Table Cooking Classes 24
Dance 27
Music 27
Reiki 27
Crafts 28
Culture 28
Tyrrell County Classes 29
Nature Nearby 29
Gardening 29
Washington County Center 30
Hyde County Davis Center 32
Industrial Technology 34
Manicure/Nail Technology 34
Early Childhood Education (ECE) 35
Academic Classes 35
Manicuring/Nail Technology 36
Human Services Technology 36
Agribusiness Technology 37
Medical Laboratory Technology 37
University Transfer 38
Career & College Promise 38
Cover photo by Paul Edwards
View courses online at and click on Our Programs, Continuing Education. Phone 252.940.6375
Pre-Registration is Required
Registration is accepted on a rst-come, rst-serve basis. Please submit your registration by phone, mail, online, or walk-in at minimum one
week before the start date of the class. If you wait, the class may be full or canceled due to low enrollment.
Who May Register?
Any individual 16 years old or older may register for a Continuing Education course. Students under the age of 16 may take Defensive Driving
courses at any time throughout the year. Students under the age of 16 are not allowed to register for other continuing education courses,
with the exception of personal enrichment courses oered during the summer months.
Fees, Books & Supplies
Registration fees for each class do not include the cost of textbooks, supplies, or lab fees. Registration fees are set by the NC General
Assembly and are based on the number of contact hours for each course. Continuing Education courses that require the use of technology
equipment and/or the Blackboard Learning Management System will also include a $5 technology fee.
The BCCC College Bookstore is open Monday through Thursday, 8am–1pm and 2pm–5pm; Friday, 8am–1pm and 2pm–4pm. You can contact
the bookstore at 252-940-6231 or by visiting their website at
The refund policy for Beaufort County Community College was established by the North Carolina Department of Community Colleges. (1)
A student who ocially withdraws from class(es) prior to the rst class meeting is eligible for a 100 percent refund. (2) A student is eligible
for a 100 percent refund if a class fails to “make due to insucient enrollment. (3) After the respective class begins, a 75 percent refund shall
be made upon the written request of the student if the student ocially withdraws from the class prior to or on the 10 percent point of the
scheduled hours of the class. (4) Registration fees for self-supporting classes are non-refundable once the class begins. Please note that
refunds take 30-45 days to process.
Students may obtain copies of their continuing education transcript upon written or electronic request to the Continuing Education
Registration and Records Oce. Transcripts may also be requested by fax at (252) 940-6254. Transcripts will be released to other colleges,
agencies, or employers only with written authorization of the student. Instructions and the Transcripts Request Form are available online
at Ocial transcripts are $2.00. Unocial transcripts are accessible online through the
Self-Service portal at no charge. Instructions are available at
If you earned a High School Equivalency (GED or HiSET) in North Carolina, please visit the Diploma Sender portal to access a copy of your
transcript. Please call Bobbie Lewis, chief high school equivalency examiner, at 252-940-6209 for questions regarding the Diploma Sender
process and high school equivalency transcript information.
Children on Campus
Children under age 16 are not allowed in classrooms, labs, shops or other instructional areas, without prior authorization from a college
administrator (ie: vice president, dean or director). This procedure also applies to BCCC regional centers operated by the college. The
exception is the Summer Enrichment Program for Kids.
BCCC Online Services
If you are taking an online or hybrid class through Continuing Education, you will be provided an Outlook and Blackboard account through
Before students can access Outlook Email and Blackboard, they must determine their username and create a password by visiting the
Continuing Education Student Username and Password Information page on the BCCC website.
*Start on the BCCC home page:
*Click on the Blackboard link.
Company/Organization Payment Process (Sponsorship Billing)
Companies and Organizations are invited to utilize the sponsorship billing process when sponsoring employees who are completing BCCC
Continuing Education classes. You will not need to send a company/organization check or credit card with your employee at the time of
registration. Instead, please submit a signed company/organization letter or memorandum on letterhead to our oce via in-person, fax to
(252) 940-6254, email to, or postal mail with the following key items:
•Company/Organization point of contact information (in the event there are questions regarding a student or payment)
•Billing Information (include mailing address and email address)
•State the intent of who and what class(es) your company/organization will be responsible for in the registration process (i.e. registration
fees, testing, textbooks, etc.)
Once we have received the letter/memorandum and student(s) registration form(s), the student will be registered for the class. Our BCCC
Business Oce will submit an invoice to your company/organization. If you have any further questions about the Sponsorship Billing
process, please contact the Continuing Education Registration & Records Clerk at or (252) 940-6375.
Accessibility Services
Beaufort County Community College is committed to diversity, inclusion and ensuring equal access in all campus programs, activities and
events to qualied individuals with disabilities. To request a reasonable accommodation, contact Kimberly Jackson, BCCC Counseling, at
(252) 946-6252 in room 925 of Bldg. 9. An advance notice of 72 hours may be required for some accommodations. If you have any issues
navigating this course schedule or registering, please contact Accessibility Services and we will make accommodations.
Serving Beaufort, Hyde, Tyrrell, & Washington Counties
5337 Hwy. 264 East, Washington, NC 27889 Phone 252-940-6375
100 NC Hwy 32 North, Roper, NC 27970 Phone 252-940-6425
33460 US Highway 264, Engelhard, NC 27824 Phone 252-940-6231
View courses online at and click on Our Programs, Continuing Education. Phone 252.940.6375
Division of Continuing Education
5337 US Hwy 264 East Washington, NC, 27889
Any individual 16 years old or older may register for a Continuing Education course. Students under the age of 16 may take Defensive Driving courses
at any time throughout the year. Students under the age of 16 are not allowed to register for other continuing education courses, with the exception of
personal enrichment courses oered during the summer term (May 16-Aug 14).
Please Print
Legal Last Name:_______________________Legal First:____________________Middle:_________________
Street Address:____________________________City:______________________State:_______Zip:_________
County of Residence:_____________________________Home Number:_______________________________
Work Number:_________________Cell/Mobile Number:____________________Birth Date: _____________
Social Security Number: _________-________-________ (used for reporting purposes only)
Ethnicity: Are you Hispanic or Latino? Yes, Hispanic/Latino No, Non Hispanic/Latino
Hispanic/Latino: Mexican, Puerto Rican, Cuban, Central or South American or other Spanish origin or culture, regardless of race.
Sex: Female Male
Race: For individuals who are Non-Hispanic/Latino: Select one or more of the following race categories:
American Indian/Alaska Native Black or African American White Asian Hawaiian/Pacic Islander
Employment: R Retired UN Unemployed (not seeking) US Unemployed (seeking)
E1 Part-time, 1–10 hrs E3 Part-time, 21-39 hrs
E2 Part-time, 11-20 hrs E4 Full-time, 40/more hrs
Education Level: High School Graduate or Highest grade completed: ________________
AHS Diploma Associate Bachelors
One-Year Vocational High School Equiv. Diploma Masters or Higher
Check All That Apply: HRD Student
Elementary/Secondary School Employee
Volunteer Fire, Volunteer Rescue __________________________________(agency)
DOC/Division of Adult Corrections ________________________________(agency)
Paid Law Enforcement, Paid Fire/EMS ______________________________(agency)
Provider Level:
EMR EMT AEMT Paramedic
Email Address: _______________________________________________________________
Student Signature:______________________________________________________ Date: ___________
Course Section # Course Title Date & Time Fee
(is block for oce use only)
By Phone In Person By Mail Registration Taken By:_______________________ Date _________
Registration Entered By: _____________________ Date _________
Accessibility Services: BCCC is committed to diversity, inclusion and ensuring equal access in all campus programs, activities and events to qualied individuals with
disabilities. To request a reasonable accommodation, contact the Coordinator of Accessibility Services at (252) 940-6252 in room 925 of Building 9. An advance notice of
72 hours may be required for some accommodations.
Family Educational Rights & Privacy Act (FERPA): e FERPA (20 U.S.C. § 1232g; 34 CFR Part 99) is a Federal law that protects the privacy of student education
records. e law applies to all schools that receive funds under an applicable program
of the U.S. Department of Education. For more information, please visit this link:
Refund Policy: A student who ocially withdraws from class(es) prior to the rst class meeting will be eligible for a 100 percent refund. Also, a student is eligible for a
100 percent refund if an applicable class is cancelled due to insucient enrollment.
Aer the respective class begins, a 75 percent refund shall be made upon the written request of the student if the student ocially withdraws from the class prior to or
on the 10 percent point of the scheduled hours of the class. Only class fees can be refunded in this circumstance. BCCC local fees are non-refundable. Registration fees
for self-supporting classes are non-refundable once the class begins. Where a student, having paid the required registration fee for a semester, passes away during that
semester (prior to or on the last day of examinations of the college the student was attending), all registration fees for that semester may be refunded to the estate of the
View courses online at and click on Our Programs, Continuing Education. Phone 252.940.6375
We have a number of local scholarships available for short-term training and high school
equivalency (GED) students. Our sta can help you gure out which one is right for you.
Beaufort County Community College foundation
Youth Program
Are you ready for a change? Are you ready for a fresh start? If the answer is yes, the Youth Program is ready for YOU! The Youth Program
can help out-of-school youth ages 16-24 with educational opportunities, earning a high school equivalency, on-the-job training, work
experience, and much more!
Call your local NCWorks Career Center for more information. Begin a path to success today!
Adult/Dislocated Worker Program
Are you 18+ years of age, a US Citizen, and ready for a change or fresh start? If the answer is yes, the Adult/Dislocated Worker program
is looking for you!
Call your local NCWorks Career Center for more information. Begin a path to success today! Your future begins now!
career center
Beaufort County – 252-940-0900
Hyde County – 252-312-6859
Look for this logo next to classes for scholarship-eligible or fee-waived classes. These classes
may be free for students who qualify. For more information regarding these scholarships,
please contact Sara Watson at (252) 940-6311 or sara.wa[email protected]. To complete an
online application for these scholarships go to:nancial-assistance
Rose Garden
5 miles to Washington
U.S. 264 East
To Bath and Belhaven
1. Administration, Business Offices, Human Resources, TRIO/SSS, Foundation
2. Business, Automotive, Electrical
3. Arts & Science, LEC
4. Welding, Mechanical Engineering
5. Bookstore, Library, Cafeteria, AV, ECHS
6. Maintenance, Receiving
7. Continuing Education
8. Continuing Education, Auditorium, Gymnasium, HSE, College Readiness
8A. AgriBusiness
9. Admissions, Registrar, Financial Aid, Testing, Accessibility Services, Career Center
10. Police, Multi Purpose Rm., ECHS, Public Safety
10B. Public Safety Annex
11. Cosmetology, Early Childhood, Human Services, ECU, NC Wesleyan
12. Allied Health and Public Services
Lower Level
Visual Department, ECHS
Top Level
Continuing Education/
Arts & Science
Welding and Mechanical
Student Services
Financial Aid
Distance Learning Classroom
Business Office
*Commons Area
Storage Sheds
Beaufort County Community College
Student Services,
Resource Circle
Campus Drive East
Service Drive
Down East RoadDown East Road
Early Childhood,
Human Services
Police, Multi Purpose Rm, ECHS,
Public Safety
Shooting Range
Continuing Education
CDL Training
HVAC Repair
Campus Drive West
Public Safety
Overflow Parking
Allied Health and
Public Services
Computer Labs
Information Technology
Tyrrell County – 252-312-6859
Washington County – 252-312-7357
View courses online at and click on Our Programs, Continuing Education. Phone 252.940.6375
Career & College Promise Workforce Pathways
Employers in todays workforce are facing a skills gap; they need trained and qualied workers to ll a variety of positions in the medical, home
repair and transportation elds. The Career and College Promise (CCP) Workforce Pathways are designed for eligible high school juniors and seniors
to earn industry-recognized credentials while still in high school for FREE! This innovative statewide program has helped high school students work
toward college degrees, and now it is open to students who want to go into technical elds. Students will be responsible for purchasing textbooks
and paying local course fees associated with the course. CCP Workforce Pathway courses do count for high school credit towards graduation
Earn FREE industry-recognized credentials while completing a high school diploma.
Remain a part of your high school student body and participate in athletics, clubs and activities along with your high school classmates.
CCP classes will be presented on our campus or on-line.
Interested? Contact your high school counselor. Or visit
These pathways are available at participating schools in our four-county service area:
Emergency Medical Technician (EMT)
Heating, Ventilation & Air Conditioning (HVAC) Technician
Commercial Driver’s License (CDL)
Truck Driving
Phlebotomy Technician
Pharmacy Technician
Nurse Aide
Small Engine Repair
The mission of the Customized Training Program (CTP) is to help businesses in Beaufort, Hyde, Tyrrell, and Washignton Counties maintain their
competitive edge through awareness, education, and training. If your company is interested in learning more about these training opportunities,
or to schedule a class, please contact Sara Watson, Director of the Customized Training & Apprenticeships, at 252.940.6311.
• Specialized training oered at no cost to t the needs of your industry with exible scheduling.
• Customized courses can be held at BCCC or at the business/industry location.
Youth Apprenticeship
Geared toward 11th and 12th grade students, the pre-apprenticeship program teaches basic technical and job-readiness skills for a designated
occupation leading to possible entry into a registered apprenticeship program. The pre-apprenticeship program involves classroom instruction
and work-site visits, job-shadowing, or on-the-job training.
Apprenticeship Beaufort County
This combination of on-the-job training and classroom instruction prepares participants for careers with local industry partners. Upon successful
completion of the apprenticeship program, the Apprentice qualies for industry recognized “journeyman” certicate in a skilled trade and an
academic credential from BCCC. Apprentices have opportunities to begin professional careers in a variety of advanced manufacturing elds
including Injection Molding Technician, Production Process Technician, Welding Technician, and Maintenance Technician.
Benets of an Apprenticeship program include:
Paid employment during training with progressive wage increases
Obtainment of a BCCC academic credential that provides credit towards an AAS degree
Industry recognized journeyman certicate at both the state and Department of Labor.
If you are a business interested in registering as a sponsoring apprenticeship organization, please call 252-940-6311
or visit for more info.
N.C. State University Pesticide Safety Education School
Credential: N.C. Pesticide Certication and Licensing in Core and Ornamental Turfgrass Pest Management; N.C. Department of
Agriculture and Consumer Services (NCDA&CS)
The Pesticide Safety School is presented by the N.C. State Cooperative Extension Service to provide a comprehensive review of the information
you need to know to successfully pass the certication exam(s) administered by NCDA&CS.
Students are required to register online through the N.C. State University Pesticide Safety Education website at https://pesticidesafety. Click on “Pesticide Schools” to enroll ($47.00 registration fee). Students will also need to use the portal to purchase the N.C.
Pesticide Applicator Core Manual ($26.00) and Ornamental and Turfgrass Pest Management Manual ($22.00).
Students will be able to pay the $50.00 testing fee for the Core Exam and the $20.00 fee for the Ornamental and Turfgrass Pest Management
exam on the day of testing. Exam fees can be paid with cash, money order or check made payable to the North Carolina Department of
Agriculture and Consumer Services (NCSA&CS).
Register for the School and purchase manuals no later than February 4, 2020 to allow for shipping and to review the material.
Continuing Education opportunities can be accessed by contacting the local Beaufort County Extension oce. Register & pay online.
8:30am – 5:00pm Tue & Wed Feb. 18 - 19 Fee: No charge 15 hrs 35687 BCCC 8 Auditorium
View courses online at and click on Our Programs, Continuing Education. Phone 252.940.6375
Spring 2020
Credential: OSHA 10 Pocket Card; Occupational Safety and Health Association (OHSA)
This 10 hour course is designed to provide participants with the basic skills and knowledge necessary to recognize workplace hazards in
an industrial, service, or business setting. The program consists of Introduction to OSHA and the OSH Act, Health and Safety Management
Systems, OSHA Recordkeeping, Bloodborne Pathogens, Permit Required Conned Spaces, Welding, Hand and Power Tools, Walking/Working
Surfaces, Hazard Communication, Personal Protective Equipment, Exit Routes and Fire Protection, Electrical Safety, Machine Guarding, Lockout,
Powered Industrial Trucks, Industrial Hygiene, Hearing Conservation, and Respirator Protection and leadership skills. Several of these topics
are mandatory, while others are elective. The course is taught in two 5 hour sessions. The price for this class includes a $70.00 registration fee
and a $8.00 OSHA Card fee.
Classes are available upon request for companies by contacting Sara Watson; Director of Customized Training at (252) 940-6311 or Justin Rose;
Director of Industry Training at (252) 940-6262.
Lean Manufacturing / Six Sigma
This is a 2-day, 16-hour, course that provides a basic understanding of lean practices. It is designed to show students how to work together
in a team eort to improve performance and minimize waste and cut costs in the manufacturing process. The principles of waste elimination
and variation control are used in a wide variety of manufacturing settings.
Classes are available upon request by contacting Sara Watson; Director of Customized Training at (252) 940-6311 or Justin Rose; Director of
Industry Training at (252) 940-6262.
Advanced Manufacturing Institute Qualify for a $500 Scholarship through SECU
Credential: OSHA 10, Occupational Health & Safety Administration; Lean Six Sigma Yellow Belt; Working Smart
This course is designed to help anyone looking for employment in manufacturing to earn credentials, develop knowledge, and skills that are
desired in the manufacturing industry. The class will provide OSHA 1 O safety training and certication, Yellow Belt training and certication,
basic math, industrial blueprint reading, problem-solving and Working Smart training and certication (includes training is self-awareness,
self-management, work ethic, communication and problem-solving skills.) At the end of the course there will be a meet and greet with local
manufacturing companies. .
Prerequisite: Career Readiness Certicate of bronze or higher.
8:00am-5:00pm Mon-Fri Jan. 27- Feb. 12 Fee: $193.00 96 hrs. 35040 BCCC, TBA
8:00am-5:00pm Mon-Fri Mar 9-Mar 25 Fee: $193.00 96 hours 35044 BCCC, TBA
Forklift Training
Credential: Forklift Wallet Card, National Safety Council
This class is based on the National Safety Council’s (NSC) Forklift Training Program. Students in this class will review an overview of forklift
operation, inspection, and safe use of the forklift truck. Students will learn how to inspect the truck, and how to determine lift limitations.
Students will also learn how to understand the center of gravity and how that goes along with safe operation to properly lift limitations.
Students will also learn how to understand the center of gravity and how that goes along with safe operation to properly lift a load. Students
will be responsible for demonstrating proper use by completing an obstacle course along with an inspection. Students will be required to
purchase a textbook which comes with a certicate and wallet card from NSC for $6. Textbooks will be handed out at the class and will not
sold in the BCCC Bookstore. Register & pay online.
5:00pm-9:00pm Tues & Thurs Apr 14 & 16 Fee: $77.25 8 hrs 35557 BCCC11 27
Spring 2020
Small Engine Mechanic
Credential: Two Stroke Engine, Four Stroke Engine, Compact Diesel Engine (Completion of all three qualify individual as an EETC
Engine Technician); Equipment & Engine Training Council (EETC)
The small engine mechanic course explores the principles of small gasoline engine design, construction, and operation. It also presents a
detailed overview of small engine maintenance, troubleshooting, rebuilding, and repair. The course also covers the design, construction,
operation, diagnosis, service, and repair of both mobile and stationary diesel engines. Content relates to on- and o-road vehicles, and
industrial applications.
Students will need to purchase the Small Gas Engine and the Diesel Technology textbook package from the BCCC Bookstore.
Students will have the opportunity to test for the Equipment & Engine Training Council (EETC) Drivelines, Mechanical Systems, and Electrical
exams in addition to the class. Each EETC exam will separately cost $50.00. Retesting fees are separate. Register & pay online.
6:30pm-9:30pm Mon & Wed Jan 27-Jul 27 Fee: $186.25 225 hrs. 34533 BCCC 7 703
Sat & Sun Online
View courses online at and click on Our Programs, Continuing Education. Phone 252.940.6375
Pearson Vue GED
High School Equivalency Exam Options
• Computer-based test
• Four subjects
1. Language Arts
2. Science
3. Social Studies
4. Mathematics
Create an account at
Pay a testing fee of $20 per test ($80 total)
Retake the test up to two times for free.
Computer or paper-based test
• Five subjects
1. Reading
2. Writing
3. Science
4. Social Studies
5. Mathematics
Create an account at
Pay a testing fee of $15 per test ($75 total)
Retake the test up to two times for free.
Beaufort County Community College oers College and Career Readiness classes in Beaufort, Hyde, Washington and Tyrrell counties. Programs
focus on developing academic competencies as well as the fundamental skills necessary for tomorrow’s jobs. Adults 18 years and older who
lack basic skills can enroll in classes to:
Acquire the reading, writing and mathematical skills needed to obtain or advance in a job.
Meet requirement for getting into vocational programs
Study to pass the High School Equivalency test (HSE)
Gain basic skills for entry level employment
Learn the skills needed to become a productive member of society and a smarter consumer.
Contact us:
Penelope Radclie
Director of College and Career Readiness
penelope.radcli[email protected]
Sandy Berry
Admissions & Assessment Specialist
Bobbie Lewis
Chief HSE Examiner
The Path to Achieving Your High School Equivalency
HSE Class locations:
Beaufort County Campus Mon-Thurs 8:30am-12:00pm
HSE Prep Tues & Thurs 5:00pm-8:00pm
Orientation & Placement Testing Tues 3:00 pm-8:00pm
Hyde County Davis Center
HSE Prep Wed 6:00pm-9:00pm
Washington County Center (100 NC Hwy 32 N, Roper)
HSE Prep Mon-Wed 9:00am-1:00pm
Register for orientation. (Tues. 4-8 pm)
Take the TABE Assesment & speak to a career counselor.
Enroll & attend a High School Equivalency or English
Language Acquisition class.
Schedule your exam at or
Choose a pathway: college & career or job training.
View courses online at and click on Our Programs, Continuing Education. Phone 252.940.6375
Sign up online to test with either Pearson Vue’s GED Test or ETS HiSET Test. Payments with a prepaid debit or VISA are completed
online by the student. Print and save your receipt for your records. Report to Testing Center in BCCC Bldg. 9, Room 927 15
minutes prior to testing admission.Provide a governmental form of identication. Provide Parent/Guardian notarized petition if
between sixteen and eighteen years of age. Available at
High School Equivalency Testing Dates
We oer the following convenient dates for your exam. Visit or to schedule your exam.
January 21-22
February 4-5,18-19
March 3-4, 17-18
April 7-8, 21-22
May 5-6, 26-27
Janurary 27
February 20
March 16
Arpil 20
May 18
English Language Aquisition(ELA) Citizenship
What does it mean to become a citizen of the United States? What benets and rights are enjoyed by citizens? What are the responsibilities
of citizenship? These questions, and many others, will be answered in this preparatory course of how to take the U.S. Citizenship Test. This
course will prepare you to take each section of the U.S. Citizenship Test and it will cover topics such as Civics, the U.S. Government, History,
Geography, Reading, and Writing. It will also cover tips on how to study for the test and how to most eectively prepare yourself for the test.
5:00pm-8:00pm Wed Fee: Free BCCC 8-827
Adquisición del Idioma Inglés: Clases de Ciudadania
¿Qué signica convertirse en un ciudadano de los Estados Unidos? ¿Qué benecios y derechos disfrutan los ciudadanos? ¿Cuáles son las
responsabilidades de la ciudadanía? Estas preguntas, y muchas otras, serán respondidas en este curso preparatorio sobre cómo tomar el
Examen de Ciudadanía de los Estados Unidos. Este curso lo preparará para tomar cada sección de la Prueba de Ciudadanía de los Estados
Unidos y abarcará temas tales como cívica, gobierno de los Estados Unidos, historia, geografía, lectura, escritura y habilidades de entrevista.
También cubrirá consejos sobre cómo estudiar para el examen y cómo prepararse más efectivamente para el examen.
5:00pm-8:00pm miercécoles Matrícula: Gratis BCCC 8-827
English Language Acquisition (ELA)
English Language Acquisition classes are designed for adults who want to learn the English language skills necessary to function eectively in
an English-speaking environment. By attending ELA Classes, students that are seeking citizenship status in the United States will be prepared
to take the Naturalization Test.
Adquisición del Idioma Inglés
La adquisición del idioma inglés (ELA) son clases diseñadas para adultos que desean aprender las habilidades del idioma inglés necesarias
para funcionar de manera efectiva en un ambiente de habla inglés. También asistiendo a las clases de ELA, los estudiantes que están buscando
hacer ciudadanía en los Estados Unidos estarán preparados para tomar el examen de naturalización.
ELA Class locations
Beaufort County Campus Mon-Thurs 9:00am-12:00pm
Tues & Thurs 6:00pm-8:30pm
Call 940-6325 for more
Your future is waiting!
ETS HiSETPearson Vue GED
View courses online at and click on Our Programs, Continuing Education. Phone 252.940.6375
Spring 2020
HVAC: Heat Pump Operation, Installation, and Service
Credential: Heat Pump Service, Technician Certication; ESCO Institute
This class covers heat pump basic principles of operation, system components, air ow, defrost methods, balance point, auxiliary electric
heat, electrical control wiring, refrigerant piping, installation, refrigerant charging, troubleshooting, dual fuel systems, and an introduction
to geothermal systems. The textbook for this class is the Heat Pump Operation, Installation, and Service textbook (ISBN: 1-930044-29-1) from
ESCO Institute and is available in the BCCC bookstore and
Students will have the opportunity to participate in the ESCO Institute exam for Heat Pump Service, Technician Certication on January 25,
2020. Students will log into at the time of testing and pay a $15.00 test fee separate from their registration fee. Test fees
are subject to change per ESCO Institute. Register & pay online.
8:00am-5:00pm Sat Jan 18 & 25 Fee: $75 16 hrs 35669 BCCC 8-822
HVAC: Heating, Ventilating, and Air Conditioning Level 1
Credential: Core & Level 1 HVAC, NCCER
This course covers the NCCER Core and HVAC Level 1 curriculums. The NCCER Core Curriculum focuses on Basic Safety, Introduction to
Construction Math, Introduction to Hand Tools, Introduction to Power Tools, Construction Drawings, Basic Rigging, Basic Communication
Skills, Basic Employability Skills, and Materials Handling. The HVAC Level 1 curriculum focuses on Introduction to HVAC, Trade Mathematics,
Basic Electricity, Introduction to Heating, Introduction to Cooling, Introduction to Air Distribution Systems, Basic Copper and Plastic Piping
Practices, Soldering and Brazing, and Basic Carbon Steel Piping Practices. The textbooks include the NCCER Core Curriculum Trainee Guide
5th ed. (ISBN: 978-0-13-413098-9) and the NCCER HVAC Level 1 Trainee Guide 5th ed. (ISBN: 978-0-13-518509-4) and is available in the BCCC
bookstore and Register & pay online.
6:00pm-9:00pm Mon & Thurs Jan 13–May 7 Fee: $186.25 96 hrs 35535 BCCC 11-14 & 7-701
HVAC: Heating, Ventilating, and Air Conditioning Level 2
Credential: EPA Section 608, ESCO Group/Level 2 HVAC, NCCER
This course will continue building upon the skills learned while taking the HVAC Level 1 class. This course will focus on Alternating Current,
Compressors, Refrigerants and Oils, Leak Detection Evacuation Recovery and Charging, Metering Devices, Heat Pumps, Basic Maintenance,
Chimneys Vents and Flues, Sheet Metal Duct Systems, Fiberglass and Fabric Duct Systems, Commercial Airside Systems, Air quality Equipment,
and Introduction to Hydronic Systems. The textbooks include the NCCER HVAC Level 2 Trainee Guide 5th ed. (ISBN: 978-0-13-518512-4) and is
available in the BCCC bookstore and Students will have the opportunity at the end of class to sit for the EPA Section 608 exam.
Students will log into on the night of testing and pay a $25.00 test fee separate from their registration fee. Test fees are
subject to change per ESCO Institute. Register & pay online.
6:00pm-9:00pm Mon & Tues Jan 13–May 5 Fee: $186.25 96 hrs 35537 BCCC 11-15 & 7 701
HVAC: Heating, Ventilating, and Air Conditioning Level 3
Credential: Employment Ready (System Diagnostic and Troubleshooting), ESCO Group/Level 3 HVAC, NCCER
This course will continue building upon the skills learned while taking the HVAC Level 2 class. This course will focus on Fasteners, Hardware and
Wiring Terminations, Control Circuit and Motor Troubleshooting, Troubleshooting Cooling, Troubleshooting Heat Pumps, Troubleshooting
Gas Heating, Troubleshooting Oil Heating, Troubleshooting Accessories, Zoning, Ductless, and Variable Refrigerant Flow Systems, Commercial
Hydronic Systems, Steam Systems, Retail Refrigeration Systems, and Customer Relations. The textbooks include the NCCER HVAC Level 3
Trainee Guide 5th ed. (ISBN: 978-0-13-518-510-0) and is available in the BCCC bookstore and At the end of class, students can
sit for an Employment Ready exam for System Diagnostics and Troubleshooting (ISBN: I-930044-15-1). Students will log into www.escotesting.
com on the night of testing and pay a $25.00 test fee separate from their registration fee. Test fees are subject to change per ESCO Institute.
Register & pay online.
6:00pm-9:00pm Tues & Thurs Jan 14–May 05 Fee: $186.25 96 hrs 35538 BCCC 7 701
Look for this logo for scholarship-eligible or fee-waived classes. These classes may be free for students who qualify.
View courses online at and click on Our Programs, Continuing Education. Phone 252.940.6375
Spring 2020
CDL Truck Driving (Hybrid Class)
Credential: Commercial Driver’s License
The Truck Driver Training program will train students to drive a Class - A combination vehicle and prepare students for their pre-trip inspection,
o road skills test and the road-driving test, which are all components of the NCDMV Commercial Driver License (CDL) exam.
Funding assistance may be available through your local NCWORKS Center (formerly known as Job Link) and through scholarships available
with State Employees Credit Union, BCCC Foundation and Golden Leaf.
This program is an online hybrid program, which involves weekly-required online assignments apart from weekly on-campus driving on
the weekends. This course will include an emphasis on log truck driving with the potential to pursue post-course employment with a local
logging company. This program is made possible through partnerships with Golden Lead Foundation, NCDOT, Weyerhaeuser, Alligood’s
Garage and locally owned insurance groups. Books are available in the BCCC bookstore (book prices are subject to change by the publisher).
Prerequisites: Valid NCDMV Class-A permit, valid DOT medical card, and a negative DOT drug screen (within 30 days of screening date).
8:00am-6:00pm Sat & Sun Jan. 12 – May 16 Fee: $231.25 384 hrs 35506 BCCC7 703
Online All days
8:00am-6:00pm Sat & Sun Mar. 29 – Aug. 01 Fee: $231.25 384 hrs 35507 BCCC7 703
Online All days
Pilot Car Initial Certication & Renewal
Credential: Pilot Car Endorsement, NC Division of Motor Vehicles
This course is required for those who wish to escort large vehicles. Students must be either 21 years of age or be 18 to 21 years of age with a
current Class-A license to attend. All students must have a driver’s license that has been valid for at least 12 months.
North Carolina Department of Transportation requires students to complete the National Safety Council Defensive Driving (DDC4) course as
a component of the Escort Vehicle Certication. Contact BCCC for more information about the NSC Defensive Driving courses. This is only
required for initial certications and not for certication renewal. Corequisite: NSC Defensive Driving Course Register & pay online.
8:00am-5:00pm Wed. Apr. 22 Fee: $70 8 hrs 35654 BCCC8 826
NC Vehicle Safety Inspection
Credential: Pilot Car Endorsement, NC Division of Motor Vehicles
This course is designed to prepare auto technicians and service personnel as safety inspectors for motor vehicles. Course topics include
regulations and test inspection procedures required by the NC DMV - Enforcement Section - for safety inspectors. Upon completion a student
should understand the rules, regulations and procedures for safety inspections, be able to inspect a vehicle properly. Register & pay online.
8:00am-5:00pm Sat. Mar. 21 Fee: $70 8 hrs 35653 BCCC2 108
Spring 2020
HRD: Computers in the Workplace
This course prepares students to eectively use the computer in the workplace. Students will learn how to create, edit, and save MS Word
documents. Microsoft Excel covers how to store, organize, and analyze information in spreadsheets. Outlook, email and navigating the
Internet will prepare students on how to create and manage and send emails and calendars. Fee waivers for the registration fee are available
for qualifying individuals.
9:00am-2:00pm Mon-Thurs Mar 23-Mar 26 Fee: $70/free 24 hrs 35522 BCCC8 823
9:00am-1:00pm Fri Mar 27
Organize and Streamline Your Workow with Microsoft Oce 365
This course is an introduction to Microsoft Oce 365 in a cloud-based environment. This course is intended for knowledge and business users
throughout an organization who are interested in expanding their knowledge of Microsoft Oce 365 and how it can be used to streamline
their workow. It is recommended that students are familiar with the Windows operating system and navigating a web browser. Register &
pay online.
6:00p – 9:00p Tues & Thur Mar 3 – 26 Fee: $75 24 hrs 35561 BCCC2 117
Organize and Streamline Your Workow with Google Drive
This course is an introduction to Google Drive in a cloud-based environment. This course is intended for knowledge and business users
throughout an organization who are interested in expanding their knowledge of Google Drive and how it can be used to streamline their
workow. It is recommended that students are familiar with oce software applications, and the Google interface, and navigating a web
browser. Register & pay online.
6:00p – 9:00p Tues & Thur May 5 - 28 Fee: $75 24 hrs 35563 BCCC2 117
Find more courses online at Ed2Go. Designed to meet your needs and interests in the comfort of your home, you can
study when it is convenient for you, without having to travel to campus. Each class will consist of two (2) lessons per
week for a total of twelve (12) lessons or the equivalent of twenty-four (24) contact hours for 2.4 CEU credits. Cer-
ticate of Completions are available upon successful completion of a course. Over 300 courses are available through
Ed2Go in a diverse group of categories. Visit for a full list of courses.
$500 scholarship through SECU is available for a credential in
Advanced Manufacturing Institute, CDL, or HVAC (levels 1,2, or 3).
View courses online at and click on Our Programs, Continuing Education. Phone 252.940.6375
Spring 2020
The mission of the Small Business Center Network (SBCN) is to increase the success rate and the number of viable small businesses in North Carolina
by providing high quality, readily accessible assistance to prospective and existing small business owners, which will lead to job creation and
retention. Contact Lentz Stowe, Director of Small Business Center, at 252-940-6306. Services available through the Small Business Center Network
• One-on-one business counseling, which provides an evaluation to determine immediate needs.
• Custom designed programs to assist with preparation of paperwork necessary to obtain nancing for a qualied new business or ex-
pansion of an existing business.
• Assistance for owners of existing businesses seeking information and direction. To make an online request for counseling complete the
online form at
Video Storytelling Workshop (For non-prots and current/ prospective small business owners)
Instead of selling a product or service, you are selling yourself and, more importantly, who you aim to serve. The key way to achieve this is to
focus your attention on building relationships with your audience. You have to get to know them better, so they can get to know you better.
This means telling your audience stories of people to whom they can relate, understanding the psychology of what motivates a person to take
action, and staying in constant communication with target communities. This also means understanding not just what social media platforms
to use, but why and how.
Rain Bennett is a Beaufort County native and two time Emmy-nominated lmmaker, writer, and competitive storyteller with over a decade
of experience producing documentary lms. With his company Six Second Stories, he takes the knowledge and skills learned from “indie”
lmmaking and uses them to help nonprots and purpose-driven companies use short form video storytelling in their marketing strategies to
deepen their impact on communities and the world. Bennett has been featured in publications like Mens Health and Sports Business Global,
has contributed to Hungton Post, Breaking Muscle, and Chapelboro, and hosts a podcast called The Storytelling Lab, where he breaks down
the art and science of storytelling. His mission is simple: to make the world happier and healthier by sharing stories of change.
2:00pm-5:00pm Mon Jan 13 Fee: No Charge 3 hrs Washington Civic Center
Small Business Center Core Curriculum
Students who complete all ve classes will receive a certicate of completion.
How to Start a Small Business
David Mayo will answer questions like: Are you ready to start a business? What are the advantages and disadvantages of a new business?
Where do I obtain permits and licenses? What tax information is needed and where do I nd it? How do I maintain objectivity?
3:00pm-5:00pm Mon Jan 6 Fee: No Charge 2 hrs BCCC8 828
How to Write a Business Plan
Starting a small business is a huge step for anyone. David Mayo will help students with the fundamentals of writing a business plan, the
foundation for success when making a decision to start a new business or acquire an existing business. It is key when it comes to seeking
funds for a business.
3:00pm-5:00pm Mon Jan 27 Fee: No Charge 2 hrs BCCC8 828
Marketing and Advertising for Your Business
Drawing attention to your business is tougher than ever before. Large chain stores, a challenging economy, the Internet, etc. have made
the small business venture often times frustrating. BUT you can take matters into your hands and discover what you can do to bring
customers to you. In this seminar David Mayo will teach low cost advertising/marketing strategies and methods, creating a marketing
plan, scoring greater sales with current customers, and other “tricks” of the trade. MARKETING YOUR BUSINESS is a seminar you will want
to be a part of and it is absolutely free!
3:00pm-5:00pm Mon Feb 10 Fee: No Charge 2 hrs BCCC8 828
Financing Your Business
Starting your own business is part of the American dream. You’ve given this thought and sought advice. You are just about ready to begin.
Then you ask yourself; how do I nance my business; who can give me good, solid, reliable advice; are there loans/grants available to assist
me?; what should I be aware of? The economy can be tough, so consider taking this course.
3:00pm-5:00pm Mon Feb 24 Fee: No Charge 2 hrs BCCC8 828
Recordkeeping and Taxes for Small Business
Do you know your product or service upside down and backwards, BUT the numbers just drive you up the wall? Do you really work hard,
but always seem to run out of cash at the end of the month? This seminar will help you understand the nancial aspects of your business.
We’ll talk about tax issues. You’ll become familiar with those nancial terms that confuse you, but are the road map to your success. Keith
Kidwell is your presenter. You will learn… What makes your business thrive and grow? What is a CPA and when and how do you use them?
How to understand nancial statements. What your banker is looking for? What federal and state reports are required? If I made that much
money, where is it?
3:00pm-6:00pm Mon Mar 9 Fee: No Charge 3 hrs BCCC 828
This class is possible thanks to our friends at
the Washington Tourism Authority.
View courses online at and click on Our Programs, Continuing Education. Phone 252.940.6375
Spring 2020
Look for this logo for scholarship-eligible or fee-waived classes. These classes may be free for students who qualify.
Preparing Financially for Business Ownership (Part One)
Individuals will learn strategies and concepts to help them identify their current nancial situation, set SMART goals to get them on the
path to business ownership, and implement a nancial plan of action to help them achieve their nancial goals and prepare nancially for
business ownership. Participants will be able to RECOGNIZE the reality of their current nancial situation, DISCOVER a plan of action to help
them achieve their nancial goals, and ACTIVATE a strategy to prepare them nancially for business ownership.
- List of all Personal Income & Expenses Written or Typed Out
- Notebook or Notebook Paper
- Pencil w/ Eraser
- Calculator (basic)
2:30pm-5:30pm Thu Jan 23 Fee: No Charge 3 hrs BCCC8 828
Preparing Your Credit for Business Ownership (Part Two)
Individuals will learn what credit is, how credit works and how to evaluate their Credit Report and identify what they need to do to
improve their credit, raise their credit score and prepare their credit to get loans approved to fund their business. Participants will be able
to RECOGNIZE their credit issues, DECIDE on their Credit Goals, & ACTIVATE strategies to help prepare their credit for business ownership.
Course Requirements:
- A List of all Personal Income & Expenses Written or Typed Out
- A Laptop/ Tablet/ iPad or (Computer Lab Provided)
- A Notebook/ Pencil w/ Eraser & a Calculator (basic)
2:30pm-5:30pm Thu Jan 30 Fee: No Charge 3 hrs BCCC8 822 (computer lab)
Preparing to Take Your Business to the Next Level (Part Three)
Individuals will learn the importance of saving money for their business, how to nd nancing for their dream, learn some new marketing
tips and tools, and learn the importance of a bank funded or self-funded line of credit for their business. Participants will be able to
RECOGNIZE how to prepare for the next level, DECIDE how bad they want the next level and if they are ready for it physically, mentally, and
nancially, and they will leave with the knowledge, tools, and insight needed to ACTIVATE a strategy for success.
2:30pm-5:30pm Thu Feb 6 Fee: No Charge 3 hrs BCCC 8 822
Part One – Social Media Management
A two-day, 12 hour class about managing professional social media when it is your job to manage social media.
Topics include: dening the perfect customer and the desired result, map1: the social media marketing space, there is no on THE internet;”
there is only on YOUR internet”, social site characteristics, content creation and curation, and improve your image(s). Participants who
complete the class will understand how to reach their ideal customer and achieve their business goals using social media marketing;
recognize the common features across all social platforms, as well as how to create, manage and distribute content on a sustainable
basis; see the value of images in their marketing material and know how to create better images and video; and develop a preliminary social media
marketing plan, including a policy identifying the voice of the business on social platforms.
Prerequisite: Fundamental skill using FaceBook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and understanding of Instagram, Snapchat, blogging and YouTube.
9:00am-4:00pm Wed Mar 4 Fee: No Charge 6 hrs Venue TBD
Part Two – Social Media Management
A two-day, 12 hour class about managing professional social media when it is your job to manage social media.
Topics include: tools for social media marketing; plan, policy, and managing liability, reviews & reputation, understanding the numbers,
map2: how YOUR business uses the social media marketing space, and review. Participants who complete the class will have an approach
for soliciting reviews from customers and for responding to challenging reviews, know how to objectively evaluate the success of their
marketing eorts, and leave with a clear understanding of how their business can use social media marketing to achieve their business
Prerequisite: Fundamental skill using FaceBook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and understanding of Instagram, Snapchat, blogging and YouTube.
9:00am-4:00pm Thu Mar 5 Fee: No Charge 6 hrs Venue TBD
View courses online at and click on Our Programs, Continuing Education. Phone 252.940.6375
Introduction to QuickBooks Desktop
QuickBooks is the gold standard software for the small business owner. Our QuickBooks expert will give you a complete introduction to the
QuickBooks Desktop product including: getting started, setting up a company le, understanding lists and items, adding vendors, customers,
and workers, chart of accounts, connecting a bank account, using forms to record sales and managing expenses and invoicing. You will have
a basic understanding of the QuickBooks desktop program!
6:00pm-9:00pm Tue Feb 18 Fee: No Charge 3 hrs BCCC 2 124A
Business Tax Essentials
The workshop covers the basics of tax compliance ranging from registering your business, to withholding from employees, and sales and use
tax requirements. Information will be provided on a program for businesses that have fallen behind on sales and use, withholding, and other
trust taxes.
At the end of the seminar, there will be a question and answer session with the presenters and networking possibilities with other business
owners. Don’t miss this great opportunity. Presenter will be NCDOR sta.
3:00pm-5:00pm Thurs Mar 12 Fee: No Charge 2 hrs BCCC 8 828
The 30-Day Online Marketing Makeover
There are so many places online for potential customers to nd you: Google, your website, social media, and more. Make sure they can nd
your business and that they like what they see.
Commercial photographer and marketing expert Bob Mackowski will walk you through this high-level overview of the online marketing
landscape. This class will touch on search engine optimization, Google My Business, email marketing, visual marketing, and so much more.
6:00pm-9:00pm Tue Mar 24 Fee: No Charge 3 hrs BCCC 8 828
Spring 2020
Food Business Series – With Annette Dunlap
Annette Dunlap is creator and managing director of AB Dunlap Consulting, a company that
specializes in community development, small business, and agriculture & food. She is retired
from the North Carolina Department of Agriculture & Consumer Services, where she worked
as an agribusiness developer. Prior to joining NCDA&CS, Annette owned a management
and marketing consultancy, focusing on nancial institutions, medical practices, and locally
owned businesses. Annette holds a B.A. from the University of Arizona and an M.B.A. from
Washington University in St. Louis. Annette is a published author of three non-ction books
and over 100 newspaper and magazine articles. She lives with her husband in southeastern
Cumberland County, where they raise cattle.
Getting Started in a Food Business
Do you have an old family recipe that you would like to develop into a business? Love baking, and think you can generate some income
from your goodies? Getting Started in a Food Business is an introduction to taking your recipe from the kitchen to the marketplace. In
this three-hour workshop, you will learn: The types of recipes you can make yourself to sell to the public; How to get inspected to go into
production; Guidelines for packaging and labeling; Ideas for nding the right kind of market for your product • Basics of product pricing •
What to do if you cannot process your product yourself. Topics covered include: Regulatory basics; What to expect when youre inspected;
Packaging and labeling basics; Marketing basics; and Financial basics.
2:00pm-5:00pm Tue Mar 10 Fee: No Charge 3 hrs Harbor District Market
Tips for Growing Your Food Business
In this workshop, we go into a deeper dive into nding and developing retail markets, marketing planning, and cash ow analysis. Upon
completion of the workshop, attendees will have learned: Opportunities, challenges and limitations of targeting supermarkets; Ways to
identify non-traditional retail markets; How to approach decision-makers; How to create a pro forma spreadsheet; How to calculate a gross
and net prot; and How to make business decisions based on nancial data. Topics covered include: Resources for placing products inside
major supermarkets ; Tools for locating non-traditional retailers; How to prepare a presentation package to meet with decision-makers;
Purpose and value of a pro forma; Data to include in a pro forma • Calculation of gross and net prot percentages; and Decision making
based upon nancial performance.
2:00pm-5:00pm Tue Mar 17 Fee: No Charge 3 hrs Harbor District Market
Find more courses online at Ed2Go. Designed to meet your needs and interests in the comfort of your home, you can
study when it is convenient for you, without having to travel to campus. Each class will consist of two (2) lessons per
week for a total of twelve (12) lessons or the equivalent of twenty-four (24) contact hours for 2.4 CEU credits. Cer-
ticate of Completions are available upon successful completion of a course. Over 300 courses are available through
Ed2Go in a diverse group of categories. Visit for a full list of courses.
These classes are
possible thanks
to our friends at
the Washington
Harbor District
View courses online at and click on Our Programs, Continuing Education. Phone 252.940.6375
Small Business for Introverts
As a small business owner, youre the face of your business. As a shy introvert, you don’t want to be seen or heard. These two ideas don’t
mesh naturally. Learn how you can work through or around your reticence to become a successful businessperson. Local photographer and
self-professed introvert Bob Mackowski will teach you about your options and how to build your business around them.
4:00pm-5:00pm Thu Apr 2 Fee: No Charge 1 hr BCCC 8 828
Business Tips for Artists and Crafters
How to Be a Protable Artist shows you how to intertwine your creativity with the world of business. Regardless of your medium – visual,
literary, music, dance, or lm – this program gives you the tools to bridge the gap between what you already know about how to nd clients
and produce saleable art and what you need to know to operate the business side of your studio successfully. Annette Dunlap, MBA, has been
a freelance writer for over 30 years and is the author of three books. She is currently working on her fourth literary project. She will share her
knowledge of how she applied her business experiences to the world of art with measurable success.
2:00pm-5:00pm Tue Apr 21 Fee: No Charge 3 hrs Harbor District Market
Copyright & Your Small Business
What is copyright and, more importantly, how does it aect your small business? Learn what you can and can’t do with something that you
didn’t create. This includes photography, graphic design, music, video, and more. This will also establish the dierence between copyright
and trademarks, patents, and more. Don’t get sued; get educated. Commercial photographer and marketing expert Bob Mackowski will teach
you about your options.
6:00pm-8:00pm Thu Apr 23 Fee: No Charge 2 hrs BCCC 8 828
Customer Service for Your Business
Your Business depends upon repeat customers and great employees. Plenty of options are available as customers choose between big box
stores, large companies, and your business. Customers decide to continue to do business with you based upon their experience with you and
with your employees. As the Owner, how do you balance your time between training employees and handling customer requests without
losing your bright and positive attitude? Tim Dannelly is presenter.
Topics include Developing Solution Centered Thinking; How to say ‘NO’ and deliver bad news without being oensive; Positive ways to handle
demanding customers; and Ways of keeping, and instilling in employees, a winning attitude.
6:00pm-9:00pm Tue May 5 Fee: No Charge 3 hrs BCCC 8 828
Spring 2020
Spring 2020
Defensive Driving-DDC-4
Credential: DDC-4, NC Safety & Health Council
Learn to drive defensively for the sake of your family, your friends, and yourself! Its important to get there safely and without incident. You
want to recognize hazards, understand your defenses, and act correctly and in time to avoid problems on the highway. Everyone is safer when
you drive defensively, and you will avoid costly trac tickets. We are pleased with our 4 hour Defensive Driving class, and the District Attorney
is too. This class will also satisfy the requirement of many businesses which employ drivers. We are oering plenty of sections to meet your
9:00am-1:00pm Sat Jan 11 Fee: $70 4 hrs 35472 BCCC8 829
5:30pm-9:30pm Mon Jan 27 Fee: $70 4 hrs 35473 BCCC8 829
9:00am-1:00pm Sat Feb 1 Fee: $70 4 hrs 35474 BCCC8 829
5:30pm-9:30pm Mon Feb 10 Fee: $70 4 hrs 35477 BCCC8 829
9:00am-1:00pm Sat Feb 22 Fee: $70 4 hrs 35478 BCCC8 829
9:00am-1:00pm Sat Mar 14 Fee: $70 4 hrs 35479 BCCC8 829
5:30pm-9:30pm Mon Mar 23 Fee: $70 4 hrs 35480 BCCC8 829
9:00am-1:00pm Sat Apr 4 Fee: $70 4 hrs 35481 BCCC8 829
5:30pm-9:30pm Mon Apr 20 Fee: $70 4 hrs 35483 BCCC8 829
9:00am-1:00pm Sat Apr 25 Fee: $70 4 hrs 35484 BCCC8 829
5:30pm-9:30pm Mon May 4 Fee: $70 4 hrs 35485 BCCC8 829
9:00am-1:00pm Sat May 16 Fee: $70 4 hrs 35486 BCCC8 829
5:30pm-9:30pm Mon Jun 1 Fee: $70 4 hrs 35487 BCCC8 829
9:00am-1:00pm Sat Jun 6 Fee: $70 4 hrs 35488 BCCC8 829
9:00am-1:00pm Sat Jun 27 Fee: $70 4 hrs 35581 BCCC8 829
Clases de Manejo Defensivo en Espanol
Credential: DDC-4, NC Safety & Health Council
BCCC ahora ofrece Clases de Manejo Defensivo en Espanol. Aprenda a conducir a la defensiva por el bien de su familia, amigos y usted mismo
en este curso de cuatro horas. Es importante llegar a su destino en una manera segura y sin incidentes. Esta clase lo ayudara a reconocer
los peligros, comprender sus defensas y como evitar problemas en la carretera. Todos estan mas seguros cuando conduces a la defensiva, y
tambien evitaras recibir multas de transito. Esta clase debe satisfacer los requistitos establecidos por un tribunal de justicia o empresas que
emplean conductores.
9:00am-1:00pm Sat Feb 1 Fee: $70 4 hrs 35476 BCCC8 828
9:00am-1:00pm Sat Apr 4 Fee: $70 4 hrs 35482 BCCC8 828
9:00am-1:00pm Sat Jun 6 Fee: $70 4 hrs 35489 BCCC8 828
View courses online at and click on Our Programs, Continuing Education. Phone 252.940.6375
Spring 2020
Notary Public
Credential: Notary Public, NC State Notary Public Section
This 6 hour course is required for persons wanting to apply for Notary public commissions for the State of North Carolina. Various topics
related to the duties of a notary public will be covered. Individuals should review the Notary qualications list on the Secretary of States web
site located at: prior to registering for class. Per NC Secretary of State Guidelines, students will have to pass
an exam to complete the class requirements. Students will be required to show a state issued photo ID and their social security card on the
rst night of class. This is a requirement from the Secretary of State’s oce. A textbook, Notary Public Guidebook, is available in the BCCC
Bookstore. Books will not be sold in class and should be purchased prior to class. Register and pay online.
Prerequisite: High School Diploma, subject to criminal background check
9:00am-4:00pm Fri Jan 17 Fee: $70 6 hrs 35465 BCCC8 829
9:00am-4:00pm Fri Mar 13 Fee: $70 6 hrs 35466 BCCC8 829
9:00am-4:00pm Fri May 8 Fee: $70 6 hrs 35467 BCCC8 829
Credential: E-Notary, NC State Notary Public Section
All students must have a current state or federal issued picture ID upon arrival for class. This course is designed for instructional areas related
to individuals who want to become commissioned as an electronic notary. Topics include legal, ethical and procedural requirements of the
Notary Act set forth in the general Statute 10B Article 2. Upon completion of this course with a passing exam grade of 80% or higher, a
person is eligible to make application with the NC Secretary of State oce. Individuals must have current notary commission to participate in
E-notary training. Handbook available in the library. Register and pay online.
9:00am-12:00pm Fri Mar20 Fee: $70 3hrs 35459 BCCC8 829
Auto Dealer License Initial
Credential: Auto Dealer License; NC Division of Motor Vehicles
The course satises the initial continuing education requirement for non-franchised auto dealers to obtain their dealer’s license. Register &
pay online.
8:00am-3:00 p.m. Tue & Wed Feb. 18-19 Fee: $75 12 hrs 35539 BCCC2 117
8:00am-3:00pm Wed & Thurs Apr 22 – 23 Fee: $75 12 hrs 35552 BCCC2 117
Auto Dealer License Renewal
Credential: Auto Dealer License; NC Division of Motor Vehicles
The annual renewal course satises the continuing education requirement for non-franchised auto dealers to retain their dealer’s license.
Register & pay online.
8:00am-3:00 pm Thu Feb 20 Fee: $75 6 hrs 35541 BCCC2 117
8:00am-3:00pm Fri Apr 24 Fee: $75 6 hrs 35553 BCCC2 117
Motorcycle Safety: Basic Rider Course NEW
We are pleased to oer this new service to area motorcycle riders. And this class will show o our brand-new driving pad. More importantly,
students will learn the safe driving skills for operating a motorcycle in trac. Please come and learn the operation of motorcycle controls as
you practice riding on our protected range. Here are some details:
•We will provide motorcycles, helmets, and training manuals.
•You must wear an approved helmet, over-the-ankle footwear, long pants, a long-sleeved shirt or jacket, full-ngered gloves, and protective
eye wear at all times while training.
•Successful completion achieves a skills waiver card for the NCDMV
•Class size is limited to insure personal instruction.
•We will operate rain or shine.
•A mandatory FREE e-course provided by the NC Motorcycle Safety Foundation must be completed before the start of class. The class
coordinator will contact students with e-learning login information 2 weeks prior to class. (Those who desire help with online learning may
receive assistance. Please ask.)
•A copy of the e-course Certicate of Completion must be presented to the instructor on the rst day of class. Participation without this
certicate is not allowed, and refunds are not given for lack of completion.
•Please contact Clay Carter at 252-940-6357 or[email protected] for more information.
8:00am – 7:00pm Sat & Sun Mar 14 & 15 Fee: $145 20 hrs 35615 BCCC Driving Pad
8:00am – 7:00pm Sat & Sun Apr 25 & 26 Fee: $145 20 hrs 35616 BCCC Driving Pad
8:00am – 7:00pm Sat & Sun May 16 & 17 Fee: $145 20 hrs 35617 BCCC Driving Pad
Be among the rst to experience our newly
constructed public safety driving pad with our
View courses online at and click on Our Programs, Continuing Education. Phone 252.940.6375
Pre-License Real Estate
Credential: NC Real Estate Licence, NC Real Estate Commission
This 10-week course is required to satisfy the educational requirements for a provisional broker and is designed to prepare you to pass the real estate
license examination administered by the NC Real Estate Commission. Topics include basic real estate principles and practices, law and contracts,
nancing, closing valuation, fair housing and real estate laws. Book available in campus bookstore.
Prerequisite: High School Diploma, subject to criminal background check
12:00pm-4:00pm Tues & Wed Jan 14-Mar 17 Fee: $180.00 75 hrs 34961 BCCC8 822
Real Estate–General Update
This four-hour mandatory course satises the continuing education requirements required by the NC Real Estate Commission. The General
Update course is developed by the NC Real Estate commission each year. Register & pay online.
5:30pm-9:30pm Tues Apr 7 Fee $50 4hr 35585 BCCC 8 828
9:00am-1:00pm Thurs Apr 2 Fee $50 4hrs 35586 BCCC 8 828
Real Estate–Broker in Charge Update
This four-hour mandatory course satises the continuing education requirements required by the NC Real Estate Commission. The Broker in
Charge update course is developed by the NC Real Estate Commission each year. Register & pay online.
5:30pm-9:30pm Thurs Apr 9 Fee $50 4hr 35590 BCCC 8 829
9:00am-1:00pm Tues Apr 28 Fee $50 4hrs 35591 BCCC 8 829
Real Estate–Elective
This elective will satisfy the 4-hours of continuing education required by the NC Real Estate Commission. The book is available in the book
store. Register & pay online.
5:30pm-9:30pm Tues Apr 21 Fee $50 4hr 35589 BCCC 829
9:00am-1:00pm Thurs Apr 23 Fee $50 4hrs 35587 BCCC 829
Real Estate Post-Licensing: Contracts and Closings
One of the 3 mandatory post licensing courses that must be completed by newly licensed NC provisional brokers with in 3 years after licensure.
Gain professional skills in sales contract preparation and common procedures, license status, and education issues. Bring your North Carolina
Real Estate Manual, 2017 Edition (Blue book). Register & pay online.
5:30pm -9:30pm Mon, Wed & Fri Jan 13 – Jan 31 Fee: $125 30hrs 35457 BCCC 8 828
Spring 2020
Spring 2020
American Sign Language–Basic
A 24-hour class to broaden existing signing skills, develop vocabulary, add conversational competence, and improve grammatical knowledge.
The class will employ a total immersion approach that includes classroom conversation, visual language lab activities, and weekly exercises.
Expand your interaction with hearing impaired individuals by expanding your linguistic skills and cultural knowledge. We use the same
textbook as our introductory ASL class: Talking with Your Hands and Listening with Your Eyes, ISBN 075700007X. Register & pay online.
6:00pm-9:00pm Thurs Feb 6 – Mar 26 Fee: $70 24 hrs 35656 BCCC 824
Taking a trip? Find foreign language courses online at Ed2Go. Designed to meet your needs and interests in
the comfort of your home, you can study when it is convenient for you, without having to travel to campus. Each class
will consist of two (2) lessons per week for a total of twelve (12) lessons or the equivalent of twenty-four (24) contact
hours for 2.4 CEU credits. Certicate of Completions are available upon successful completion of a course. Over 300
courses are available through Ed2Go in a diverse group of categories. Visit for a full
list of courses.
View courses online at and click on Our Programs, Continuing Education. Phone 252.940.6375
Request for WorkKeys CRC Test Scores
Have you tested, but misplaced your ocial score papers? Please visit directly to retrieve your personal test
scores or call 1-800-967-5539.
Spring 2020
National Career Readiness Certication (NCRC) Testing
Credential: National Career Readiness Certicate, ACT
NCRC/Workkeys Testing is available to all individuals seeking to earn their NCRC. It is strongly recommended that students complete the
NCRC Prep Class prior to sitting for the NCRC exam. Students should plan to arrive 15 minutes early. No late arrivals will be allowed in the
testing room per ACT Testing Guidelines. Please bring a photo id. Cell phones and other items are not allowed in the testing room. Calculators,
formula sheets and scratch paper will be provided for the Applied Math test. If paying for your assessments with cash, students must bring
exact change. A Division of Continuing Education Scholarship available for Career Readiness Certicate (NCRC) testing and has been
sponsored by the Beaufort County Committee of 100. Please contact Sara Watson at 252-940-6311.
Pricing is as follows: NCRC: $39 Talent: $16 Applied Math: $39 Fit: $16 Graphic Literacy: $13 Workplace Observation: $22 Workplace Documents:
$13 Business Writing: $22 Applied Technology: $15
Tuesday 9:00am Testing Dates: 02/11, 02/25, 03/17, 03/31, 04/7, 04/28, 05/12, 05/26
Thursday 5:00pm Testing: 02/06, 02/20, 03/05, 03/26, 04/02, 04/23, 05/07, 05/21
National Career Readiness Certication (NCRC) Prep Classes
Credential: National Career Readiness Certicate, ACT
This is a specialized course lab designed to assist individuals with earning their National Career Readiness Certication (NCRC). Students
may enroll or join this class at any time. It is an open enrollment lab. NCRC is a nationally recognized portable credential that measures
employability skills in three areas: Reading for Workplace Documents, Applied Math, and Graphic Literacy. Many companies either require
or give preference to job applicants that have a NCRC. Fee Waivers for the registration fee are available for qualifying individuals. Individuals
wishing to pursue their NCCRC will pay a $39 testing fee at the time of testing. Students seeking to earn their NCRC are strongly recommended
to participate in the NCRC Prep Class prior to sitting for the NCRC test.
2:00pm-4:30pm Tues & Thrus Feb 3 – May 15 Fee: $75/Free 35524 BCCC 8 823
5:00pm-7:30pm Tues Jan 7, Jan 21, Feb 4, Feb 18, Mar 3, Mar 17, Apr 7, Apr 21, May 5 BCCC 8 823
HRD: Resume/Interview Skills
This course provides hands-on experience as the interviewer and the interviewee in a panel format. Students will develop strategies to
eectively answer a variety of questions and learn what it takes to land a job oer. This course also covers resume organization and formatting,
styles, and the role information technology plays in the job search in today’s marketplace. Students complete the class with a resume they
can use, one that showcases their skills and experience and the interview skills needed to land a job. Fee waivers for the registration fee are
available for qualifying individuals.
9:00am-2:00pm Mon Apr 6 Fee: $70/free 5 hrs 35523 BCCC8 823
HRD: Income Maintenance Caseworker (Phase 1)
This course covers skills and strategies designed to provide employability skills training and career exploration for the role of Income
Maintenance Caseworker with the Division of Social Services agencies. This course is Phase 1 of a two-phase program. Students MUST
complete and pass this phase before enrolling in Income Maintenance Caseworker Phase 2. Students are required to earn their National
Career Readiness Certication (NCRC) as part of the course requirements. Fee waivers are available for qualifying individuals.
6:00pm-9:00pm Tues & Thurs Jan 14- Mar 5 Fee: $125/free 48 hrs 34959 BCCC8 822
Income Maintenance Caseworker (Phase 2)
This course is designed to cover a variety of skills associated with the Income Maintenance Caseworker role to determine service eligibility.
Specic focus will include prociency in the utilization of the NCFAST application. Other topics will include skills in communication,
interviewing, time management, data gathering/compiling, and data analysis. This is Phase 2 of a two-phase program. Students must have
taken Phase 1: Introduction to Human Services to be eligible for this course. Register and pay online.
6:00pm-9:00pm Mon & Wed Mar 9- May 4 Fee: $130.00 48 hrs 34949 BCCC8 822
View courses online at and click on Our Programs, Continuing Education. Phone 252.940.6375
Look for this logo for scholarship-eligible or fee-waived classes. These classes may be free for students who qualify.
Spring 2020
Are you ready for a new
career? Our Human
Resources Development
(HRD) classes will let you
start getting introductory
courses, at no cost to
qualifying individuals, so
that you can see if a new
career is a good t for you.
Substitute Teacher Training
This 24-hour course prepares individuals to substitute teach in the local school system. This course provides information on learning
expectations, time management, monitoring student interaction, classroom management, and many other topics related to being a
substitute. Textbooks are available in the BCCC bookstore. Books will not be sold in class.
5:00pm-9:00pm Mon & Wed Mar 9 – Mar 25 Fee: $70 24 hrs 35603 BCCC8 823
5:00pm-9:00pm Tue & Thur Feb 11 – Feb 27 Fee: $70 24 hrs 35605 BCCC8 829
HRD: Pathway to Counseling/Human Services Careers
The Pathway to Counseling/Human Services program will provide basic skills training in case management and substance abuse services. The
program will highlight skills used in Counseling and Human Service careers such as: Counseling, Individual Needs Assessment, Documentation,
Evaluation, Client Education, Coordination of Care Planning, Referrals, etc.
6:00pm-9:00pm Mon & Wed Feb 3-Feb 26 Fee: $70/free 24 hrs 35528 BCCC8 823
Spring 2020
Activity Director – Event Planning
This course is designed to provide additional training to individuals working as an Activity Director in a health-related setting. Register & pay
9:00am-1:00pm Fri Jan 10 Fee $70 4 hrs 35614 BCCC 822
Activity Director – Calendar Building
This course is designed to provide additional training to individuals working as an Activity Director in a health-related setting. Register & pay
9:00am-1:00pm Fri Jan 24 Fee $70 4hrs 35657 BCCC 822
Medical Billing and Coding - Advanced
Certication: Professional Coder, Certied Billing and Coding Specialist
This course delves deeper into the medical coding sets and their guidelines; including ICD-10-CM (diagnosis codes), CPT (provider procedural
codes with modiers), and ICD-10-PCS (facility procedural codes). Students will learn how to interpret medical documentation and assign
codes accordingly, and when to query a provider regarding missing or incorrect documentation. Through this course, diagnoses, procedures/
surgeries, and scenarios will become increasingly more complex in order to help students understand the complexity of real-life coding in the
healthcare industry; taking into consideration coding, insurance, Medicare/Medicaid, and individual medical facility guidelines. As a result,
the prerequisites listed below are a must. Register & pay online.
Textbooks: 1- AMAs 2020 CPT Professional Edition, ISBN# 978-1-62202-898-6; 2- TCI’s 2020 ICD-10-CM: The Complete Ocial Codebook ISBN#
978-1-63527-662-6; ***Other 2020 ICD-10-CM codebooks are acceptable (AMA, Optum, AAPC); 3- Mosbys Medical Dictionary, 10th edition
ISBN# 978-0323414258 ***Other medical dictionaries are acceptable
Prerequisites: High school diploma or equivalency AND successful completion of Intro to Medical Billing and Coding AND/OR Successful
completion of medical terminology and anatomy & physiology courses with Medical coding courses OR employment experience in the
healthcare eld with exposure to coding
6:00-9:00pm Tues & Thurs Jan 14-Mar 5 Fee: $130 48 hrs. 35609 B3 115
Medical Billing and Coding – Test prep
Certication: Professional Coder, Certied Billing and Coding Specialist
This program will prepare students for the American Academy of Professional Coders (AAPC) Certied Professional Coder (CPC) Exam or the
National Health careers Association (NHA) Certied Billing and Coding Specialist Exam (CBCS) Register & pay online.
6:00-9:00pm Tues & Thurs Mar 17 – Apr 9 Fee: $70 24 hrs. 35660 B3 115
View courses online at and click on Our Programs, Continuing Education. Phone 252.940.6375
Find more courses online at Ed2Go. Designed to meet your needs and interests in the comfort of your home, you can
study when it is convenient for you, without having to travel to campus. Each class will consist of two (2) lessons per
week for a total of twelve (12) lessons or the equivalent of twenty-four (24) contact hours for 2.4 CEU credits. Certicate
of Completions are available upon successful completion of a course. Over 300 courses are available through Ed2Go in a
diverse group of categories. Visit for a full list of courses.
Look for this logo for scholarship-eligible or fee-waived classes. These classes may be free for students who qualify.
Credential: Phlebotomy, American Society of Phlebotomy Technician/ Working Smart, CharlotteWorks
244 hour certicate course consisting of theory, lab and clinical experiences, which prepares the student to enter the medical eld as a
phlebotomist in various settings. Core course concept is instruction on how to safely and competently perform venipunctures. After successful
completion of the course, student is encouraged to test for their certication as phlebotomist. Student will earn a Working Smart credential:
soft skills for workplace success while enrolled in the program.
Prerequisite: Career Readiness Certicate of a bronze or higher. Copy of certicate is due at time of registration along with an ocial copy of
a High School diploma or High School Equivalency
Costs: *uniform-$120, *updated immunizations-$150, Castle Branch-$85, certication exam-$90-115 (*approx. cost) textbook-$199.25
Competently perform successful venipunctures in the lab setting
95 hours of clinical Monday-Friday during hours of operation for clinical facility
Uniform: navy blue scrub top and pewter gray pants to be worn daily while in class, lab and clinical. Top and white mid-length lab coat
embroidered with BCCC in royal blue. Black or navy-blue closed toe/heel shoes
Drug screen, background check and Immunizations with CastleBranch must be completed within 30 days of rst day of class or student
may be dropped from course.
Immunization requirements: MMR, Flu, Varicella, 2 step TB skin test, Tdap, HepB or HepB declination/waiver
Textbook: Pearson Phlebotomy Handbook ISBN – 9780134709321
Funding assistance may be available through NC Works. Interested persons must apply to the NC Works oce in their home county.
9:00am-4:00pm Mon. & Wed. Jan. 13-May 6 Fee: $199.25 244 hrs 35083 BCCC 12 1212/1218
Nurse Aide I
Credential: Nurse Aide I, NC Dept of Health Service Regulation
This certicate course consists of theory, lab and clinical experiences, which prepares the student to provide personal care and basic nursing
skills. Course content includes but is not limited to: role of the nurse aide, infection control, communication, and resident’s rights. Upon
satisfactory completion of course, student is eligible to apply for North Carolina State Certication Examination. Successful completion of
state exam is required to be listed on the North Carolina Nurse Aide I Registry.
Prerequisite: Career Readiness Certicate of a silver or higher
Costs: *uniform-$120.00, *watch with second hand-$10, *dual head stethoscope-$20, *blood pressure cu-$20, *2 step TB skin test-$60,
Castle Branch-$65, NC certication exam-$120 (*approx. cost)
•Competently perform NCNAR approved skills
•Uniform: white scrub top and navy-blue pants to be worn daily while in lab and clinical. (scrub top and white mid- length lab coat embroidered
with BCCC in royal blue) white closed toe/heel shoes
•SS Card and current valid driver license/government form of ID with photo
•Drug screen and background check with CastleBranch must be completed within 30 days of rst day of class or student may be dropped
from course.
Funding assistance may be available through NC Works. Interested persons must apply to the NC Works oce in their home county.
9:00 am-5:30 pm Fri Jan 17-May 8 Fee: $194.25 160 hrs 35108 BCCC12 1212
9:00am-5:30 pm One Sat per month
4:00pm-8:30pm Tues & Thurs Jan 9-May 14 Fee: $194.25 160 hrs 35177 BCCC12 1212
9:00am-1:00pm One Sat per month
Spring 2020
View courses online at and click on Our Programs, Continuing Education. Phone 252.940.6375
Spring 2020
Registered Medical Assistant Part II-Hybrid
Credential: Registered Medical Assistant, American Medical Technologists
Part 2 builds on the foundations of Part 1 for additional instructional time to learn medical assisting procedures. Student will learn many tasks
such as: phlebotomy, cleaning and dressing wounds, giving injections, and collecting specimens. Student will complete 160 hours of clinical
experience in a medical clinic.
Prerequisite: Successful completion of Part 1
Costs: *uniform-$120.00, *immunizations-$150, Castle Branch-$85, certication exam-$90-115 (*approx. cost)
•Competently perform successful venipunctures in the lab setting
•160 hours of clinical during hours of operation for clinical facility
•Uniform: pewter gray scrub top and pewter gray pants to be worn daily while in lab and clinical. Top and white mid-length lab coat
embroidered with BCCC in royal blue. Black or navy blue closed toe/heel shoes
•Background check, drug screen, immunization to Castle Branch must be completed within 30 days of rst day of class or student may be
dropped from program.
•Immunization requirements: MMR, Flu, Varicella, 2 step TB skin test, Tdap, Hep B or Hep B declination/waiver
9:00am-6:00pm Mon. Mar 2 -Jul 27 Fee: $199.25 383 hrs 35057 BCCC 8, 826
Nurse Aide II
Credential: Nurse Aide II, NC Dept of Health Service Regulation
This course consists of theory, lab and clinical experiences, which prepares the student to provide complex nursing skills for patients or
residents. Upon satisfactory completion of course, student is eligible for listing as a NA II with the North Carolina Board of Nursing.
Prerequisite: Nurse Aide I license and High School Diploma or equivalency
Costs: *uniform-$120.00, *watch with second hand-$10, *dual head stethoscope-$20, *blood pressure cu-$20, *immunizations-$150, Castle
Branch-$85, NC listing-$24 (*approximate cost)
Competently perform NCBON approved skills
90 hours of clinical
Uniform: white scrub top and navy blue pants to be worn daily while in lab and clinical. (scrub top and white mid-length lab coat
embroidered with BCCC in royal blue) white closed toe/heel shoes
SS Card and current valid driver license/government form of ID with photo
Background check, drug screen, immunization to Castle Branch must be completed within 30 days of rst day of class or student may be
dropped from program.
Immunization requirements: MMR, Flu, Varicella, 2 step TB skin test, Tdap, Hep B or Hep B declination/waiver
Textbook: Mosbys Nursing Assistants - ISBN: 9780323319744
Funding assistance may be available through NC Works. Interested persons must apply to the NC Works oce in their home county.
9:00am-1:00pm Tue-Thurs Jan 14-May 6 Fee: $199.25 190hrs 35022 BCCC 12 1212
9:00am-3:30pm Tues& Thurs Clinical hours
BLS CPR for Healthcare Provider
Credential: BLS CPR for Healthcare Providers, American Heart Association
American Heart Association BLS CPR and AED Training for the healthcare professional. This course provides training to recognize life-
threatening emergencies, provide chest compressions with ventilations and use of an AED. Course provides BLS skills practice and testing
along with a written exam.
Textbook: Basic Life Support Provider Manual - ISBN 9781616694074
5:30pm-9:30pm Wed Feb 12 Fee: $45 4 hrs 34952 BCCC 8, 826
5:30pm-9:30pm Wed. Apr 22 Fee: $45 4 hrs 34953 BCCC 8, 826
9:00am-1:00pm Sat. Mar 14 Fee: $45 4 hrs 34954 BCCC 8, 826
Heartsaver CPR/AED
Credential: Heartsaver CPR/AED, American Heart Association
American Heart Association Heartsaver CPR/AED course is for the general public. The course provides training and skills practice in adult,
child, and infant CPR and AED use.
Textbook: Heartsaver First Aid CPR AED Student Workbook (ISBN 9781616690175)
5:30pm-9:30pm Wed. Jan 22 Fee: $45 4 hrs 34956 BCCC 8, 826
9:00am-1:00pm Sat. Mar 7 Fee: $45 4 hrs 34955 BCCC 8, 826
View courses online at and click on Our Programs, Continuing Education. Phone 252.940.6375
Spring 2020
Emergency Medical Technician (Hybrid)
Credential: EMT, NC Oce of Emergency Medical Services
If you have little or no medical experience, this course will introduce you to emergency prehospital care. Upon completion of this course, you
will be credentialed to provide emergency care at the EMT level and be allowed to take the state credentialing exam. The schedule includes
weekly online course components.
6:30pm-9:30pm Mon & Wed Jan 15-May11 Fee: $204.25 274hrs. 35555 BCCC 10-28
2 Sat.
8:30am-11:00am Mon, Wed, Fri Jan 22-June 1 Fee: $204.25 275hrs. 35558 BCCC 10-31
Community Paramedicine (CP-C)
Credential: Community Paramedic, International Board of Specialty Certication
This course is open to current paramedics with a minimum of 1-year eld experience and follows the guidelines established by the International
Board of Specialty Certications as well as guidelines set by NCOEMS when developed. This course is a blended course that has weekly online
assignments and will meet two Saturdays for guest lectures and skills review/assessment. Upon completion of this course you should have
the base knowledge needed to take and pass the national CP-C exam administered by IBSC. The text for this course is the Community Health
Paramedicine by AAOS, ISBN 978-1-284-04096-8.
Online Online/2 Sat Jan 27 - Apr 9 Fee: $185 109 hrs 35571 BCCC10 31
Online FP-C/CCP-C Review Course
Credential: Certied Critical Care Paramedic & Certied Flight Paramedic, International Board of Specialty Certications
This course covers the material to prep current Paramedics for the FP-C or CCP-C credentialing exam administered through the Board of
Specialty Certications (IBSC). The course also serves as continuing education credit for current credentialed FP-C, CCP-C, and other critical
care providers. The course uses the 2nd Edition Critical Care Transport by AAOS, ISBN 978-1-284-04099-9.
Online Online Jan 27-Apr 10 Fee: $185 72 hrs 35562 Online
Online Anatomy and Physiology for Paramedics
This course provides a basic study of the structure and function of the human body. The curriculum for Anatomy and Physiology meets the
North Carolina Oce of Emergency Medical Services Anatomy & Physiology requirement for initial paramedic courses. Upon completion,
students should be able to demonstrate a basic understanding of the fundamental principles of A&P. This course is 100% online and students
are required to preregister prior to the start date. This course uses the Anatomy and Physiology for Health Professions 3rd Edition with the
Navigate 2 Advantage Access Code; ISBN 9781284151978.
Online Online Mar 16-Jun 7 Fee: $185 96 hrs 35575 Online
EMT to Paramedic
This course follows the guidelines established by the North Carolina Oce of Emergency Medical Services and consists of online and classroom
instruction that will educate the EMT to prepare for the North Carolina Paramedic Certication exam. Students will be required to attend one
day of classroom instruction each week as well as some Saturday classes on the BCCC Campus. Interested students are asked to schedule an
appointment with the BCCC EMS Programs Director to review pre-requisites along with cost and course expectations prior to registering.
To receive email updates regarding upcoming classes and events in the BCCC EMS Training Program, subscribe now at http://www.
View courses online at and click on Our Programs, Continuing Education. Phone 252.940.6375
FIREARMS Spring 2020
Beginners Handgun
Beginners Pistol is designed to provide a hands-on introduction to the safe handling and proper orientation for students. This course is 6 hours
long and includes classroom and range time learning to shoot a specic pistol action type. Students will learn rules for safe gun handling; the
particular pistol model parts and operation; ammunition; shooting fundamentals; cleaning the pistol; and continued opportunities for skill
development. Students must show proof of ability to legally own a rearm. Handgun permit, CCH permit or County record check.
9:00am-4:00pm Sat Jan 11 Fee: $86.25 6 hrs 35249 BCCC10B 102
9:00am-4:00pm Sat Feb 29 Fee: $86.25 6 hrs 35250 BCCC10B 102
Concealed Carry Handgun (CCH) Training
Class covers laws governing the use of deadly force, concealed carry statute, & other relevant issues. Class covers the fundamentals of gun
operation, personal protection with the use of a handgun, gun safety, ammunition, and shooting techniques. A copy of a record check form
the Clerk of Court or handgun purchase permit from the Sheris Oce should be provided at the time of registration.
8:00am-7:00pm Sat Feb 22 Fee: $76.25 10 hrs 35251 BCCC10B 102
8:00am-7:00pm Sat April 11 Fee: $76.25 10 hrs 35253 BCCC10B 102
Fire Academy
Credential: Fireghter, NC Oce of State Fire Marshal (OSFM)
We will be holding our Fire Academy starting on January 6, 2020. Classes are held Monday through Thursday, and every other Saturday. Class
times are from 6pm – 10pm during the week and 8am – 5pm on Saturday. Class size is limited to 20 so register early. Must have approval prior
to registering for class. Fees associated with the class is approximately $200 (book, medical clearance, and shirt(s)). For more information or to
start the registration process, contact (252)940-6363 or
6:00pm-10:00pm Mon-Thurs Jan 6 – Jun 4 424 hrs 35588 BCCC 10 0027
8:00am-5:00pm Every other Saturday
Fire Service Training
Beaufort County Community College uses NC OSFM qualied re instructors to teach classes throughout our four-county service area. As well
we oer Emergency Management training classes with instructors from all over the state so that you receive the best possible. This training is
oered in a exible and adjustable schedule to meet your departments needs. Oerings include, but are not limited to, Fireghter, HazMat,
Driver/Operator, and other specialty programs approved by the state. These classes can be taught on our campus or at your local department.
Classes are also available to be taught at local business and industries to meet current safety regulations. If you have any questions about
a class or wish to schedule one, please feel free to contact Johnny Williams, Fire and Emergency Management Director at (252)940-6363 or
To receive our monthly newsletter with the latest on upcoming classes, please visitre-em to subscribe.
Spring 2020
View courses online at and click on Our Programs, Continuing Education. Phone 252.940.6375
Spring 2020
Credential: ServSafe® Manager, National Restaurant Association
This course covers the complete ServSafe® program. Food safety and consumer health are among the most pressing concerns for the food
service industry. The restaurant and food service industrys preeminent food safety training program, ServSafe®, is recognized and accepted
by more federal, state, and local jurisdictions than any other. Eective training means your entire operation will be more ecient, more
protable, and have a better understanding of health department regulations. The ServSafe® certication will insure that two points will not
be taken away at your sanitation inspections. Students will be required to have a textbook AND Online Voucher to take the course. Book and
voucher available online at: Catalog/ProductDetail/ESV7 No materials will be sold in class. Register &
pay online.
5:00pm-9:00pm Tues & Thurs Feb 4-Feb 11 Fee: $70 12 hrs 35658 BCCC 8 829/824
ServSafe® Review & Test
Credential: ServSafe® Manager, National Restaurant Association
This course covers the complete ServSafe® program. Food safety and consumer health are among the most pressing concerns for the food service
industry. The restaurant and food service industrys preeminent food safety training program, ServSafe®, is recognized and accepted by more federal,
state, and local jurisdictions than any other. Eective training means your entire operation will be more ecient, more protable, and have a better
understanding of health department regulations. The ServSafe® certication will insure that two points will not be taken away at your sanitation
inspections. Students will be required to have a textbook AND Online Voucher to take the course. Book and voucher available online at: https://www. Catalog/ProductDetail/ESV7 No materials will be sold in class. Register & pay online.
6:00pm-9:00pm Tues Feb 25 Fee: $25 3 hrs 35659 BCCC 8 829
Cake Decorating
This year your Springtime baking will be so much more inviting when you learn to decorate cakes, cupcakes, and cookies from Maria Dickinson.
In BCCC’s Cake Decorating I class you will learn to decorate cakes that will delight your family and friends. Learn to master elegant borders
using shells, rosettes, and stars. Learn to create lovely owers such as roses, rosebuds, sweet peas, and pansies. Take this class and enjoy
decorating a beautiful cake for every special event. On the rst evening we will supply you with three tips, couplers, and piping bags (all yours
to keep) so you can experience the pleasure of cake decorating. Your instructor will help you develop a supply list to match your goals. And
every week thereafter you’ll make beautifully decorated cakes and cupcakes. Register & pay online.
6:00pm-8:30pm Mon Feb 3 – Mar 9 Fee: $60 15hrs 35628 BCCC 8-830
Meal Prep; Healthy Slow Cooker Freezer Meals
You can have a nice healthy family supper even when things get hectic. Katie Woolard will show you how to make and freeze dishes that can be
dropped into a slow cooker in the morning for a good supper that evening. Each participant will make three meals to take home and freeze. Of
course, she’ll make them in class for us to sample. Menu: Cilantro Lime Chicken, Pork with Spiced Apples, Tuscan Chicken and White Bean Soup.
Register & pay online.
6:00pm-9:00pm Tues Jan28 Fee: $45 3hrs 35629 BCCC 8-830
Wine and Chocolate
Rich dark chocolate and rich red wines were made for each other. You may be surprised to discover other chocolate and wine pairings to
delight the senses. Think of the wonderful tastes you’ll enjoy in this tasting class. Come celebrate an early Valentines Day with Mary Mehlich
at Wine and Words in Downtown Washington. Register & pay online.
6:00pm-8:00pm Tues Feb 11 Fee: $40 2hrs 35630 Wine and Words
Let’s Do Lunch; Instant Pot Cooking
Everyone is enjoying the new generation of pressure cookers/slow cookers. We wondered if they are worth a try. Scott Clark, a talented local
cook, is an Instant Pot fan, and he convinced us that these are very useful appliances. He will show you how to employ them as you help create
an excellent meal for a chilly day. We will cook and dine on Scott’s Beef Stew as he explains the many uses for Instant Pots.
Menu: Instant Pot Beef Stew, Cheese and Charcuterie Platter, Homemade Yeast Rolls, and Chocolate Cobbler. Register & pay online.
10:00am-1:00pm Fri Feb 7 Fee: $40 3hrs 35647 BCCC 8-830
The Frances Morgan Roberson Culinary Arts Lab
is a ne community resource! Those who have
participated in our Personal Enrichment Culinary
classes have experienced great instruction,
delicious food, and fun camaraderie. Our classes
are limited to 10 participants so that everyone
can learn new skills, help prepare our meals, and
enjoy our food. All materials are supplied.
View courses online at and click on Our Programs, Continuing Education. Phone 252.940.6375
Springtime Wine
As the weather warms we turn to lighter, happier wines for springtime dining. And we become more interested in wines to pair with our
summer vegetables and grilled fare. We will learn about and taste these wines with appropriate foods. Learn the wines for good weather and
great entertaining. Register & pay online.
6:00pm-8:00pm Tues Mar 24 Fee: $40 2hrs 35631 Wine and Words
Let’s Do Lunch; A Proper English Tea
We enjoy this class so much that we’ve invited Meghan, Catherine, and Queen Elizabeth to join us. We hope you will join us too. Washingtons
favorite Anglophile, Je Phipps, will guide us as we produce, serve, and enjoy English Afternoon Tea with all the trappings. The silver is already
polished. This will be a ne example for you to replicate at future gatherings in your castle. Menu: A variety of savory and delicious nger
sandwiches, Scones with clotted cream and strawberry jam, Dainty sweet treats, And of course, plenty of tea. Register & pay online.
10:00am-1:00pm Fri Mar 27 Fee: $35 3hrs 35646 BCCC 8-830
Let’s Do Lunch; Bacon and Duck Burgers
Scott Clark uses ground duck breasts and bacon from the Hudson Valley Farm to create these delicious burgers. Trust us! You will leave ready
to have casually elegant parties for your friends and family. And the sides are as good as the burgers.
Duck and Bacon Burgers with all the xings, Citrus Salad, Roasted Potatoes with True Oil, Shortbread Cookie with Homemade Honey Thyme
Ice Cream. Register & pay online.
10:00am-1:00pm Fri Apr 3 Fee: $40 3hrs 35697 BCCC 8-830
Pies and Tarts, Sweet and Savory
Everybody loves a pie. And once you have the knack for making a good crust then there is no limit to the llings you can enjoy. Rachel will lead
us to make sweet dessert pies and savory pies for brunches or suppers. We’ll enjoy quiche, banana cream pie, and maybe something with fruit.
Coee, tea, and cold milk will be just what we need when those pies come out of the oven. Pie Crust, Quiche Lorraine, Rustic Tomato Crostata,
Banana Cream Pie. Register & pay online.
5:30pm -9:30pm Tues May 5 Fee: $35 4hrs 35635 BCCC 8-830
Methods and Techniques
We thought youd like some classes that focus on specic kitchen methods. As always, our goal is to help you make delicious and beautiful
Cast Iron Cooking
When Joe White cooks, we listen. Everything we cook in this class will be produced in good old cast iron, including dessert. Using cast iron
pans gives any Southern cook sentimental feelings. But many new recipes benet from cooking in these reliable old kitchen friends. Here’s
our menu: Dutch Oven Beef and Cabbage Casserole, Cast Iron Skillet Lemon Chicken, Pork Cutlets with Apples, Dutch Oven Potatoes, Cast
Iron Skillet Apple Crisp Register & pay online.
6:00pm-9:00pm Tues Feb 18 Fee: $45 3hrs 35642 BCCC 8-830
Knife Skills with Chef Stephen
Chef Stephen Tubaugh will lead our class in basic knife skills. He will teach you which knife is best for various kitchen tasks, and he will
guide as you learn to make the proper cuts. Your chef will demonstrate the best ways to use your knives, and you will practice cutting
many vegetables to gain good knife control. In addition, all students will butcher a chicken. Sharpening, storage, and maintenance of
your knives are important skills we will address. You may use our knives or bring your favorites from home. And with all these diced
vegetables around we will cook up a big batch of ratatouille to enjoy for supper. Register & pay online.
6:00pm -9:00pm Thur Mar 5 Fee: $40 3hrs 35645 BCCC 8-830
Making a Soue’
Soue’s are light, airy, and so beautiful to bring to the table. They can make elegant desserts or delicious weeknight suppers. Its all in the
technique. And with just a little practice cooks can master soue’ making. Tonight, Rachel K. will lead our cooking teams to make a savory
cheese soue’ and a delicious vanilla bean soue’ with bourbon butter sauce. Can you resist this? Register & pay online.
6:00pm to 9:00pm Tues Mar 31 Fee: $35 3hrs 35637 BCCC 8-830
Mastering Roux
A good roux is the beginning of many a tasty meal. And cooking our in fat seems so easy, but timing is everything. Watch Chef Stephen
as he creates a perfect roux. Then get to your station and do the same. Our cooking teams will make roux and then produce three dishes;
perfect Thanksgiving style gravy, a rich and creamy macaroni and cheese, and avorful Shrimp Etouee. You will not be intimidated by
roux after tonight. Register & pay online.
6:00pm-9:00pm Tues Apr 21 Fee: $45 3hrs 35644 BCCC 8-830
View courses online at and click on Our Programs, Continuing Education. Phone 252.940.6375
Chocolate Luxury
Anita Price is our Queen of Chocolate. Heres a way to prepare for a wonderful Valentine treat, or bring your sweetheart and y’all can learn
these desserts together. Rich Chocolate Mousse, Flourless Chocolate Tart with Dark Chocolate Sauce, Trues. Register & pay online.
6:00pm-9:00pm Tues Feb 4 Fee: $35 3hrs 35632 BCCC 8-830
Making Soft Cheeses
Ricotta, mozzarella, and queso fresco (a kind of cream cheese) are all easily produced in the home kitchen. When they are fresh made
they are delicious and useful in so many dishes. We will use whole milk to make big batches of cheese so students will have plenty to take
home and enjoy. And during class we’ll make something cheesy and delicious to enjoy on the spot. Register & pay online.
6:00pm-9:00pm Thur Feb 20 Fee: $40 3hrs 35643 BCCC 8-830
Good salty oysters right from the sound can’t be beat. Join Chef Stephen Tubaugh and learn to make traditional oyster stew (both cream
based and broth based), the crispiest fried oysters, and elegant oysters Rockefeller. Anita will make us a good dessert. Register & pay
6:00pm-9:00pm Tues Feb 25 Fee: $45 3hrs 35633 BCCC 8-830
Baking with Cheese
Learning to make pate a choux and producing delicious savory gougers with gruyere will make you feel so very French; not to mention
happy and well fed. We will also make another savory cheesy baked-good; cheddar shortbread with a hot pepper jelly glaze. Your parties
are going to be a hit this spring. Register & pay online.
6:00pm-9:00pm Tues Mar 3 Fee: $35 3hrs 35634 BCCC 8-830
Citrus Marmalade
Will Aley enjoys making good food for the pantry. Hes going to lead us in the production of marmalade. We’ll have oranges, lemons,
limes, and grapefruits for making tangy marmalades for your breakfast toast. Everyone will take home marmalade they’ve cooked and
canned. Register & pay online.
5:30pm-9:30pm Tues Mar 10 Fee: $35 4hrs 35639 BCCC 8-830
When Paul Cyr enters our kitchen, much deliciousness ensues! For this class we will have as many dierent types of mushrooms as
possible. We have two great resources and will likely have cremini, porcini, shiitake, oyster, chanterelle, lion’s mane, enoki, and whatever
else is available. In class we’ll learn how to make rich, avorful, earthy, and delicious dishes with all of our mushroom riches. Register &
pay online.
6:00pm-9:00pm Tues Mar 17 Fee: $45 3hrs 35638 BCCC 8-830
Strawberries may well be reckoned to be the very best gift of Spring. Katie Black has a special appreciation for these berries because
she’s a member of the famous Black Family of strawberry growers. She’ll bring her light touch and healthy approach to this class. Roasted
Strawberries with Cheddar Cheese, Strawberry and Spinach Salad, Pecan-Crusted Pork Tenderloin with Balsamic Strawberry Sauce, No
Churn Strawberry and Banana Ice Cream with Strawberry Dust. Register & pay online.
6:00pm-9:00pm Tues May 19 Fee: $40 3hrs 35640 BCCC 8-830
Ain’t nothin in the world like a homegrown tomato. Come and celebrate the coming bounty of Summer with Joe White. We’ll make
recipes both traditional and new: Spicy Tomato Sauce, Silver Palate Tomatoes Brie and Penne, Nannys Tomato Pudding, Tomato Pie, Fresh
Tomato Salsa, Tomato-Strawberry Granita. Register & pay online.
6:00pm-9:00pm Tues June 2 Fee: $40 3hrs 35641 BCCC 8-830
One Singular Sensation
We asked our chefs to build a class
around one favorite ingredient; their
choice. The ideas are as individual as our
chefs. The food will be delicious, and
the classes will be great opportunities
to add new dishes to your repertoire.
View courses online at and click on Our Programs, Continuing Education. Phone 252.940.6375
DANCE Spring 2020
Line Dancing Intermediate
We continue our line dancing exercises with new dances and slightly more complex arrangements. Build upon all the steps that we learned
in our rst sessions to give students more dances and more fun. Register & pay online.
9:30am-11:00am Mon Jan 27 – Mar 2 Fee: $35 9hrs 35596 BCCC10 12
6:00pm-7:30pm Mon Jan 27 – Mar 2 Fee: $35 9hrs 35598 BCCC10 12
9:30am-11:00am Mon May 18 – Jun 29 Fee: $35 9hrs 35601 BCCC10 12
6:00pm-7:30pm Mon May 18 – Jun 29 Fee: $35 9hrs 35602 BCCC10 12
Line Dancing
Our Line Dancing class is very popular, as it should be. We added more sections, and we added some time to each session. Everyone who joins
has time to enjoy the gentle and moderate exercise. Line Dancing improves memory while you learn the various dances (we’ll go through 20
dierent styles.) And you’ll enjoy getting ready for weddings and holiday parties. Please join us for 6 weeks of entertaining line dancing. And
don’t forget; it’s just plain fun! Register & pay online.
9:30am-11:00am Mon Mar 16 – May 4 Fee: $35 9hrs 35599 BCCC10 12
6:00pm-7:30pm Mon Mar 16 – May 4 Fee: $35 9hrs 35600 BCCC10 12
Carolina Shag Dancing Intermediate
After mastering the basics in our Carolina Shag class please return to add more steps to your repertoire. More shagging equals more fun. We’ll
continue to build condence with the basics and add new moves. Chris Winstead will lead the class, and you will lead everyone to the dance
oor at the next party. Register & pay online.
6:00pm-7:30pm Tues Jan 28 – Mar 3 Fee: $50 9 hrs 35604 BCCC4 102
6:00pm-7:30pm Tues May 19 – Jun 30 Fee: $50 9 hrs 35607 BCCC4 102
Carolina Shag Dancing
The Shag is the favorite couples dance in the Carolinas. Come and learn this traditional social activity and enjoy the fellowship in our dancing
classroom. It will not take long for couples to master the basic steps and at least six fun moves. Dance etiquette will be part of the instruction.
After this class couples will be ready to condently join-in at many social events. Register & pay online.
6:00pm-7:30pm Tues Mar 17 – May 5 Fee: $50 9 hrs 35606 BCCC4 102
REIKI Spring 2020
Reiki First Degree (Reiki 1)
Melissa Johnson has practiced Reiki, an ancient and powerful energy therapy, for 15 years, and she is a Certied Master Teacher. She will teach
how to channel Reiki to your family, friends, and even your pets by using your hands to connect to and channel healing energy. Students who
achieve the Reiki 1 certication can help others nd calming respite from pain, grounding, and sense of healing. This technique is embraced
by over 800 hospitals in the US, and it has no contraindications. Please call Clay Carter at 252-940-6357 if you have questions about this new
oering. Register & pay online.
8:00am-4:30pm Sat Feb 22 Fee: $125 8 hrs 35618 BCCC 3 127
Reiki Second Degree (Reiki 2)
Take your Reiki healing to the next level! The class will begin with a review of Reiki First Degree. Then, students will learn three Reiki symbols
to increase the ow of Reiki Energy and to provide long distance healing. Those who have completed our Reiki First Degree class will enjoy
this oering. Register & pay online.
8:00am-4:30pm Sat Apr 4 Fee: $125 8 hrs 35619 BCCC 3 127
MUSIC Spring 2020
Learn to Play Guitar
Dust o that guitar that’s been sitting around and nally learn to play. Or join this class to refresh the skills you haven’t used in quite some
time. With Churchill Hodges’ guidance you’ll be picking and strumming in no time. He’ll teach you the major and minor chords and how to
move between them. You’ll choose your favorite playing style whether it is using a at pic or nger picking. Various types of music such a Folk,
Southern Rock, Blues, Contemporary Christian, Rock, and Blue Grass are addressed. Each session will include group and individual instruction.
Register & pay online.
6:00pm-8:30pm Tues Jan 28 – Mar 3 Fee: $55 15 hrs 35627 BCCC 3 127
Learn to Play Banjo
Mike Fox came down from the mountains and brought his old-timey traditional music with him. We are grateful that he will share his banjo
playing skills at BCCC. Please join this class to begin enjoying the banjo. Along the way Mike will share fundamental banjo set-up and care,
basic musical vocabulary, understanding nger placement charts, resources for banjo players, tuning, and all the foundational skills for
making ne Mountain Music. He will teach the Clawhammer style of playing from which students may begin to explore other banjo styles.
Register & pay online.
6:00pm-8:30pm Thur Feb 20 – Mar 26 Fee: $55 15 hrs 35692 BCCC 3 127
View courses online at and click on Our Programs, Continuing Education. Phone 252.940.6375
CRAFTS Spring 2020
Soft Dreamy Quilts
Soft Dreamy Quilts use one or two main prints and coordinating solids and neutrals. These quilts compliment every environment as they draw
their colors and inspiration from our natural environment. Dreamy quilts are elegant and engaging. Experienced quilters will enjoy making
full sized quilts to cherish in any room of the house. Register & pay online.
6:00pm-8:30pm Thur Jan 30 – Mar 5 Fee: $50 15hrs 35610 BCCC8 829
Small Seasonal Quilts
Beginner and experienced quilters will delight in using scraps and leftover fabrics to produce small display quilts to celebrate dierent seasons.
Choose from 12 designs (pattern purchase is required). We will decorate nished quilt tops with wool applique and other embellishments.
This 4 week class is going to be productive and fun. See you there. Register & pay online.
6:00pm-8:30pm Thur Mar 19 – Apr 9 Fee: $40 10hrs 35612 BCCC8 829
Welding for Fun
Have you ever thought about all the cool things you could make if only you knew how to weld? Well, here is your chance to nd out how. We
have all the supplies you will need, and the safety equipment too. Just join this class and you will learn the basics of Mig (GMAW), Tig (GTAW),
and stick (SMAW) welding. By the end of 5 sessions you will have made your own art project to keep. Register & pay online.
9:00am-noon Fri Feb 7 – Mar 6 Fee: $140 15 hrs 35179 BCCC 4 112
CULTURE Spring 2020
Pamlico’s Past
We all know that we live in a very special place. When you join this exploration of local history you will appreciate our area even more. Ray
Midgett will connect our towns and our river to the Outer Banks and beyond. You’ll discover how we came to be what we are, and why the
river means everything to the life we enjoy. One session will be spent on a walking tour of Washingtons waterfront. Ray’s understanding of
recorded history and all the accompanying charming anecdotes will make this class a pleasure. Register & pay online.
6:00pm-8:00pm Tues Mar 10 – Apr 7 Fee: $40 10 hrs 35623 BCCC 8-829
Current Events Discussion Group
All points of view are welcome in diverse, free-wheeling and civil conversations about local, state and national events. This new oering will
be led by Polk Culpepper. We will come together on alternate Thursdays to explore the issues that aect our lives every day. The group may
elect to invite guest speakers to help illuminate specic topics. Otherwise we oer unbiased discussion and plenty of coee. Please join us.
Register & pay online.
10:00am-12:00pm Thur Jan 16 – May 7 Fee: $15 16hrs 35624 BCCC 8 828
Porgy & Bess Opera Excursion
Porgy, a crippled beggar, and Bess, an outcast, nd love in the African-American enclave of Catsh Row. This greatest American opera contains
many arias which have become part of the Great American Songbook. And the characters in Gershwins nest work touch the heart as they
struggle to survive in 1920s Charleston. On Thursday evening we will explore the opera, its characters, music, and the very modern themes
it contains. On Saturday we will travel to the Greenville Grande Theater to see a live high-denition broadcast of Porgy & Bess from the
Metropolitan Opera. Registration fee includes lecture, transportation, and ticket to Porgy & Bess. Register & pay online.
6:00pm-8:00pm Thur Jan 30 Fee: $65 8hrs 35625 BCCC 8 828
11:30am-5:00pm Sat Feb 1 Greenville Grande
We have a new idea.
Fiction, food, and lively discussion! We want to bring together readers who are interested in exploring books which contain
common themes. Our idea is to meet monthly throughout the spring and fall to read and then enjoy guided discussion with a
BCCC faculty member. We will meet in the BCCC Library, and our librarian will provide all the books. We’ll have coee and snacks
with our discussions. It will be fun for us to build a new community of readers. And readers will enjoy being exposed to new
literature, making new friends, and sharing insights gleaned from reading together.
Southern Culture: Readings from a Distinctive Region
Dr. David Loope is leading our inaugural book discussion group. He has chosen Southern Culture as his theme, and his books will lead us to
understand how and why the South is a distinctive region. Here are the books he has chosen: The Optimist’s Daughter by Eudora Welty; The
Moviegoer by Walker Percy; Native Guard by Natasha Trethewey; and The Unvanquished by William Faulkner. We will meet on January 30 to
get started, and every month we will read a new book. Then we’ll come together on the fourth Thursday evening for discussion. Register &
pay online.
6:00pm-8:00pm Thur Jan 30, Feb 27, Mar 26, Apr 23, May 28 Fee: $30 10hrs 35626 BCCC Library
View courses online at and click on Our Programs, Continuing Education. Phone 252.940.6375
Using Technology: iPhone/iPad Workshop
Kisha Norman will provide the basics and you’ll have plenty of time for your questions in this thorough Apple devices workshop. Bring your
own iPhone and/or iPad so you can learn on your device. We will address basic operation, security settings, APPS, upgrades, photo sharing,
email, and other skills to help you get the most from your personal technology. Come with your own questions too, because Kisha wants to
answer all of them. Limited class size to encourage individual attention.
6:00pm-9:00pm Tues Feb 11 Fee: $20 3 hrs 35578 Tyrrell County Library
Using Technology: Android Workshop
We’ve expanded this class to include more instruction and more individualized guidance. And we limit the class size to make sure that everyone
gets the information they need. Please bring your own Android phone or tablet and enjoy learning the best features for you to employ. Kisha
Norman will teach about APPS, security settings, set-up options, photo sharing, email and entertainment features. She will have plenty of time
to address your needs, and you will leave feeling more condent with your Android device.
6:00pm-9:00pm Tues Feb 25 Fee: $20 3 hrs 35579 Tyrrell County Library
Are you a business owner and need training for your employees? BCCC can help! We can oer OSHA 10, Lean Manufacturing, Blueprint Reading,
and much more! Please contact our Director of Customized Training & Apprenticeships at 252-940-6311 or email [email protected].
Many Small Business Center classes will stream live. Call Lentz Stowe at 252-940-6306.
There are marvelous bits of Eastern NC very close at hand and interesting to explore. We want to show o some of those spots so
you can become even more proud of this place we live. Please join us for three excursions and learn about nature and culture in our
neighborhood. For each excursion we will meet on Tuesday morning for a classroom discussion of that week’s destination. Then on
Thursday morning we will travel out and hike or tour a unique place. Our hikes are gentle, and we’ll have guides that know and love
their subjects. Class sizes are limited to make these experiences very personal.
Winter Waterfowl
On Tuesday we will learn about the Pocosin Lakes National Wildlife Refuge and all the land and treasures it contains. Early Thursday morning
we will visit the Pungo Lake unit of Pocosin Lakes NWR and there we will see wintering swans, snow geese, a host of ducks, and other
migratory waterfowl. It’s a glorious sight not to be missed. Dress warmly! Register & pay online.
10:00am-noon Tues Jan 14 Fee: $30 8 hrs 35620 BCCC 8 829
7:00am-noon Thur Jan 16 Pungo Lake
History and Nature
On Tuesday we will learn about Somerset Place Historic Site and its rich history. On Thursday morning we will visit Somerset and tour the
fascinating restored buildings. Somerset is remarkable for its interpretation of the lives of the enslaved people who lived there. On this outing
students will bring a snack, and we’ll picnic on the Bee Tree Canal trail of Pettigrew State Park. Register & pay online.
10:00am-noon Tues Mar 24 Fee: $30 8 hrs 35621 BCCC 8 829
8:00am-1:00pm Thur Mar 26 Somerset Place
Pitcher Plants and Sparrows
On Tuesday we will learn about carnivorous plants that live in Eastern NC. On Thursday morning we will hike VOA site near Washington that
contains beautiful stands of pitcher plants and tiny sundews. Hopefully we will see the threatened Henlows sparrow that lives on the site. We
will walk on the old VOA roads, so the hiking is very gentle. Register & pay online.
10:00am-noon Tues Apr 21 Fee: $30 8 hrs 35622 BCCC 8 829
8:00am-noon Thur Apr 23 VOA Wildlife Game Lands
GARDENING Spring 2020
Organic Gardening
You will enjoy your garden more when you know it is a safe and environmentally friendly place. Our Organic Gardening class will focus on
sustainable growing methods for both vegetable and ornamental gardens. Billy Ray Askew, Agriculture Technology Instructor at BCCC, will
lead you to a new understanding of soil health and nutrition. Learn about composting, mulching, growing cover crops, managing pests,
making square foot gardens, and making hay bale gardens. Billy Ray will lead the class to start vegetables and ornamentals from seed in our
greenhouse. You will nish the class with plants to take home for your own garden. One evening, Judy Keohane of Beaufort County Master
Gardeners will lead a workshop on the importance of pollinators and how to encourage them. And Clay Carter will spend a session focused
on vegetative propagation at home and organic rose care. Register & pay online.
6:00pm-8:00pm Thurs Feb 6-Mar 19 Fee: $55 14 hrs 35689 BCCC 8A 101
View courses online at and click on Our Programs, Continuing Education. Phone 252.940.6375
Washington County Center
P.O. Box 123, 100 NC Hwy 32 North
Roper, NC 27970
Questions about classes? YaShonti Hunt will be happy
to help you at 252-940-6245.
Adult Basic Education and High School Equivalency
The Adult Basic Education (ABE) program supports the development of reading comprehension, mathematical reasoning and computation,
and language and writing skills at pre-high school levels. This is designed to lay the foundation for those students who will go on to seek a
high school equivalency credential.
The High School Equivalency (HSE) Preparation program oers instruction in all areas relevant to ocial high school equivalency credential
tests. Classes have been aligned to the common core standards adopted by the state of North Carolina. Instruction for College and Career
Readiness programs is available at all Beaufort County Community College campuses. HSE prepares students to take either Pearson Vues
GED or ETS HiSet exams.
9:00am-1:00pm Mon-Wed Fee: No Charge WCC
Notary Public
Credential: Notary Public, NC State Notary Public Section
This 6-hour course is required for persons wanting to apply for notary public commissions for the State of North Carolina. Various topics
related to the duties of a notary public will be covered. Individuals should review the Notary qualications list on the Secretary of States
web site located at: prior to registering for class. Per NC Secretary of State Guidelines, students will
have to pass an exam to complete the class requirements. Students will be required to show a state issued photo ID and their social security
card in class.
This is a requirement from the Secretary of State’s oce. A textbook, Notary Public Guidebook 2016 Edition, is available in the BCCC Bookstore
for $27. Books will available at the start of class, and students should make book reservations at the time of registration. Register & pay
9:00am-4:00 pm Fri Feb 7 Fee: $70 6 hrs. 35515 WCC
Activity Director-Basic
Credential: NAAP Activity Professional
This course is designed to provide basic training to individuals desiring to become an Activity Director in a healthcare related setting. Activity
Directors for Adult Care Homes are required by the NC Division of Facility Services to complete a minimum of 60 hours in an approved
Activity Directors course and 25 hours in practicum. Course will follow the state-approved course outlines which include the following
modules: (I) Overview of the Activity Professional, (II) Human Development and the Aging Process, (III) Standards of Practice, (IV) Activity Care
Planning, and (V) Methods of Service Delivery. Course includes a clinical component. Register & pay online.
5:00pm-8:00pm Tues & Thurs Jan 14 – May 7 Fee: $180 85 hrs. 35583 WCC
Cake Decorating
This year your Springtime baking will be so much more inviting when you learn to decorate cakes, cupcakes, and cookies from Maria
Dickinson. In BCCC’s Cake Decorating I class you will learn to decorate cakes that will delight your family and friends. Learn to master elegant
borders using shells, rosettes, and stars. Learn to create lovely owers such as roses, rosebuds, sweet peas, and pansies. Take this class and
enjoy decorating a beautiful cake for every special event. On the rst evening we will supply you with three tips, couplers, and piping bags
(all yours to keep) so you can experience the pleasure of cake decorating. Your instructor will help you develop a supply list to match your
goals. And every week thereafter you’ll make beautifully decorated cakes and cupcakes. Register & pay online.
5:30pm-8:00pm Thur Feb 6-Mar 19 Fee: $60 15 hrs 35580 WCC
We want to learn how we can help our partnering businesses, students, and stakeholders have a successful and satisfying experience
with the college. To help us determine what programs and services that are helpful to you, and to help us identify ways to improve and
programs, please join BCCC for a focus group meeting at the Washington County Center on Wednesday, April 22 from 9:30-11:00am.
Please RSVP by April 15 either online at or by phone at 252-940-6375.
View courses online at and click on Our Programs, Continuing Education. Phone 252.940.6375
Spring 2020
Defensive Driving-DDC-4
Credential: DDC-4, NC Safety & Health Council
Learn to drive defensively for the sake of your family, your friends, and yourself! Its important to get there safely and without incident. You
want to recognize hazards, understand your defenses, and act correctly and in time to avoid problems on the highway. Everyone is safer
when you drive defensively, and you will avoid costly trac tickets. We are pleased with our 4 hour Defensive Driving class, and the District
Attorney is too. This class will also satisfy the requirement of many businesses which employ drivers. We are oering plenty of sections to
meet your needs.
9:00am-1:00pm Sat Jan 25 Fee: $70 4 hrs 35096 WCC Auditorium
9:00am-1:00pm Sat Feb 22 Fee: $70 4 hrs 35097 WCC Auditorium
9:00am-1:00pm Sat Mar 21 Fee: $70 4 hrs 35098 WCC Auditorium
9:00am-1:00pm Sat Apr 25 Fee: $70 4 hrs 35099 WCC Auditorium
9:00am-1:00pm Sat May 30 Fee: $70 4 hrs 35100 WCC Auditorium
9:00am-1:00pm Sat Jun 27 Fee: $70 4 hrs 35101 WCC Auditorium
Find more courses online at Ed2Go. Designed to meet your needs and interests in the comfort of your home, you
can study when it is convenient for you, without having to travel to campus. Each class will consist of two (2) lessons
per week for a total of twelve (12) lessons or the equivalent of twenty-four (24) contact hours for 2.4 CEU cred-
its. Certicate of Completions are available upon successful completion of a course. Over 300 courses are available
through Ed2Go in a diverse group of categories. Visit for a full list of courses.
Heartsaver CPR/AED
Credential: Heartsaver CPR/AED, American Heart Association
American Heart Association Heartsaver CPR/AED course is for the general public. The course provides training and skills practice in adult,
child, and infant CPR and AED use. Textbook: Heartsaver First Aid CPR AED Student Workbook - ISBN 9781616690175
4:00pm-8:00pm Wed Mar 25 Fee: $45 4 hrs 34967 WCC
BLS CPR for Healthcare Providers
Credential: BLS CPR for Healthcare Providers, American Heart Association
American Heart Association BLS CPR and AED Training for the healthcare professional. This course provides training to recognize life-
threatening emergencies, provide chest compressions with ventilations and use of an AED. Course provides BLS skills practice and testing
along with a written exam. Textbook: Basic Life Support Provider Manual - ISBN: 9781616694074
4:00pm-8:00pm Wed Feb 26 Fee: $45 4 hrs 34966 WCC
Marketing in a Digital World (for current and prospective small business owners)
Simple Social Media Must Do’s for small business owners or independent contractors. In 2019, approximately 3.2 billion consumers use
social media, and the number is only growing. That equates to about 42% of the population (Emarsys, 2019). Get your local business
found online! Reach new customers and spread the word using social media, and keep the holiday momentum going throughout the new
year. Holly Harrison is presenter.
1:30pm-4:30pm Tue Mar 31 Fee: No Charge 3 hrs WCC
Google My Business!
This is a free tool that allows small business owners (and nonprots) to promote their business information on Google Search and Maps. With
Google My Business, you can connect with your customers, post updates to your business prole, and see how customers are interacting
with your business on Google. Holly Harrison is presenter.
1:30pm-4:30pm Thu Apr 30 Fee: No Charge 3 hrs WCC
View courses online at and click on Our Programs, Continuing Education. Phone 252.940.6375
Hyde County Davis Center
P.O. Box 305 • 33460 US Highway 264
Engelhard, NC 27824
Questions about classes? Karen Carawan will be happy
to help you at 252-940-6231.
Small Business Center Core Curriculum
Students who complete all ve classes will receive a certicate of completion.
How to Start a Small Business
David Mayo will answer questions like: Are you ready to start a business? What are the advantages and disadvantages of a new business?
Where do I obtain permits and licenses? What tax information is needed and where do I nd it? How do I maintain objectivity?
3:00pm-5:00pm Mon May 11 Fee: No Charge 2 hrs HCDC
How to Write a Business Plan
Starting a small business is a huge step for anyone. David Mayo will help students with the fundamentals of writing a business plan, the
foundation for success when making a decision to start a new business or acquire an existing business. It is key when it comes to seeking
funds for a business.
5:30pm-7:30pm Mon May 11 Fee: No Charge 2 hrs HCDC
Marketing and Advertising for Your Business
Drawing attention to your business is tougher than ever before. Large chain stores, a challenging economy, the Internet, etc. have made
the small business venture often times frustrating. BUT you can take matters into your hands and discover what you can do to bring
customers to you. In this seminar David Mayo will teach low cost advertising/marketing strategies and methods, creating a marketing
plan, scoring greater sales with current customers, and other “tricks” of the trade. MARKETING YOUR BUSINESS is a seminar you will want
to be a part of and it is absolutely free!
3:00pm-5:00pm Mon May 18 Fee: No Charge 2 hrs HCDC
Financing Your Business
Starting your own business is part of the American dream. You’ve given this thought and sought advice. You are just about ready to begin.
Then you ask yourself; how do I nance my business; who can give me good, solid, reliable advice; are there loans/grants available to
assist me?; what should I be aware of? David Mayo will help you answer these questions. The economy can be tough, so consider taking
this course.
5:30pm-7:30pm Mon May 18 Fee: No Charge 2 hrs HCDC
Recordkeeping and Taxes for Small Business
Do you know your product or service upside down and backwards, BUT the numbers just drive you up the wall? Do you really work hard,
but always seem to run out of cash at the end of the month? This seminar will help you understand the nancial aspects of your business.
We’ll talk about tax issues. You’ll become familiar with those nancial terms that confuse you, but are the road map to your success. Keith
Kidwell is your presenter. You will learn… What makes your business thrive and grow? What is a CPA and when and how do you use them?
How to understand nancial statements. What your banker is looking for? What federal and state reports are required? If I made that much
money, where is it?
2:00pm-5:00pm Mon June 1 Fee: No Charge 3 hrs HCDC
Adult Basic Education and High School Equivalency
The Adult Basic Education (ABE) program supports the development of reading comprehension, mathematical reasoning and computation,
and language and writing skills at pre-high school levels. This is designed to lay the foundation for those students who will go on to seek a
high school equivalency credential.
The High School Equivalency (HSE) Preparation program oers instruction in all areas relevant to ocial high school equivalency credential
tests. Classes have been aligned to the common core standards adopted by the state of North Carolina. Instruction for College and Career
Readiness programs is available at all Beaufort County Community College campuses. HSE prepares students to take either Pearson Vue’s
GED or ETS HiSet exams.
5:30pm-8:30pm Mon Fee: No Charge HCDC
Clases de ESL y GED
English as a Second Language (ESL)
Quieres aprender ingles? BCCC esta ofreciendo clases various dias y se acomodan a sus necesidades.
English as a Second Language helps adults who want to learn the language skills necessary to function eectively in an English-speaking environ-
6:00pm-9:00pm Tue & Wed Fee: No Charge/Gratis HCDC
View courses online at and click on Our Programs, Continuing Education. Phone 252.940.6375
Spring 2020
National Career Readiness Certication (NCRC) Prep Classes
Credential: National Career Readiness Certicate, ACT
Do you need to earn your National Career Readiness Certicate? We have developed a specialized class to assist individuals with earning
their National Career Readiness Certication. The NCRC is a nationally recognized portable credential that measures employability skills
in three areas: Reading for Information, Applied Math, and Locating Information. Many companies either require or give preference
to applicants that have a NCRC. The course fee includes a $70 registration fee and a $5 technology fee. Fee waivers are available for
qualifying individuals. Individuals wishing to pursue their NCCRC will pay a $39 testing fee at the time of testing. Students may join this
open enrollment lab at any time.
5:30pm-7:30pm Mon & Wed Feb 10-May 6 Fee: $180 or waiver 46 hrs 35655 HCDC
Automotive AC Basics
A one-day class to get technicians familiar with basic auto air conditioning maintenance and repair. Safety, environmental concerns, federal
law, and AC machine operation will be taught. Students will learn how to pursue certication on their own using online resources.
9:00am-4:00pm Fri Feb 21 Fee: $60 6hrs. 34627 Williford Auto Parts
Notary Public
Credential: Notary Public, NC State Notary Public Section
This 6-hour course is required for persons wanting to apply for notary public commissions for the State of North Carolina. Various topics
related to the duties of a notary public will be covered. Individuals should review the Notary qualications list on the Secretary of States
web site located at: prior to registering for class. Per NC Secretary of State Guidelines, students will
have to pass an exam to complete the class requirements. Students will be required to show a state issued photo ID and their social security
card in class. This is a requirement from the Secretary of State’s oce. A textbook, Notary Public Guidebook 2016 Edition, is available in the
BCCC Bookstore for $27. Books will available at the start of class, and students should make book reservations at the time of registration.
Register & pay online.
9:00am-4:00 pm Fri Apr 24 Fee: $70 6 hrs. 35661 HCDC
MIG, SMAW, & TIG Welding for Employment
This hands-on class will introduce students to the Metal Inert Gas (MIG), Arc (SMAW), and Tungsten Insert Gas (TIG) welding techniques.
Various topics regarding these processes will be taught to prepare students to weld at industry standards. Funding assistance may be
available through your local NCWorks Center (formerly known as Job-Link). For more information and an eligibility assessment, please
contact your local NCWorks Center.
The course fee includes a $125.00 registration fee and $1.25 accident insurance fee. A welding kit list is available upon demand. Kits
typically costs around $225 from ARC3 Gases and will be needed for the class. Kit lists are available at Hyde County Davis Center.
We are grateful to Hyde County Schools for helping us provide this class.
5:30pm – 9:00pm Tue Jan 21 – Mar 24 Fee: $126.25 35 hrs 35564 Mattamuskeet HS
BLS CPR for Health Care Providers
Credential: BLS CPR for Healthcare Providers, American Heart Association
American Heart Association BLS CPR and AED Training for the healthcare professional. This course provides training to recognize life-
threatening emergencies, provide chest compressions with ventilations and use of an AED. Course provides BLS skills practice and testing
along with a written exam. Textbook: Basic Life Support Provider Manual - ISBN: 9781616694074
4:00pm-8:00pm Thurs Jan 30 Fee: $45 4 hrs 34968 HCDC
Heartsaver CPR/AED
Credential: Heartsaver CPR/AED, American Heart Association
American Heart Association Heartsaver CPR/AED course is for the general public. The course provides training and skills practice in adult,
child, and infant CPR and AED use. Textbook: Heartsaver First Aid CPR AED Student Workbook (ISBN 9781616690175)
4:00pm-8:00pm Wed Apr 8 Fee: $45 4 hrs 34969 HCDC
Nurse Aide I
Credential: Nurse Aide I, NC Dept of Health Service Regulation
This course consists of theory, lab and clinical experiences, which prepares the student to provide personal care and basic nursing skills.
Course content includes but is not limited to: role of the nurse aide, infection control, communication, and resident’s rights. Upon
satisfactory completion of course, student is eligible to apply for North Carolina State Certication Examination. Successful completion of
state exam is required to be listed on the North Carolina Nurse Aide I Registry.
Prerequisite: Career Readiness Certicate of a silver or higher
Costs: *uniform-$120.00, *watch with second hand-$10, *dual head stethoscope-$20, *blood pressure cu-$20, *2 step TB skin test-$60,
Castle Branch-$65, NC certication exam-$120 (*approx. cost)
Competently perform NCNAR approved skills
Uniform: white scrub top and navy-blue pants to be worn daily while in lab and clinical. (scrub top and white mid- length lab coat
embroidered with BCCC in royal blue) white closed toe/heel shoes
SS Card and current valid driver license/government form of ID with photo
Drug screen & background check with CastleBranch must be completed within 30 days of 1st day of class or student may be dropped.
Funding assistance may be available through NC Works. Interested persons must apply to the NC Works oce in their home county.
4:00pm-8:00pm Mon, Tues, Wed Jan 21-May 12 Fee: $ 194.25 160 hrs. 35180 HCDC
View courses online at and click on Our Programs, Continuing Education. Phone 252.940.6375
Take A Class To See If Youre Ready For Your Associates Degree
These courses are oered through a partnership with Curriculum degrees and provide students the opportunity
to experience curriculum courses before entering into a degree program. Upon successful completion, students
qualify for Credit for Prior Learning opportunities that will count toward a degree or certicate program.
Spring 2020
Manicure/Nail Technology 1 (Parallel to COS-121)
Credential earned: NC State Board of Cosmetic Arts; Manicuring License
This course covers techniques of nail technology, hand and arm surface manipulation, and recognition of nail diseases and disorders. Topics
include OSHA/safety, sanitation, bacteriology, product knowledge, salesmanship, manicures, articial applications, pedicures, surface
manipulation, and other related topics. Upon completion, students should be able to safely and competently perform nail care, including
manicures, pedicures, surface manipulations, decorating and articial applications in a salon setting.
Class kits are available at the BCCC bookstore (prices are subject to change). Students will also need to purchase black closed-toed shoes,
black scrubs, and obtain a photo ID from BCCC campus police prior to class.
The textbook for this course can be purchased at the BCCC bookstore and is Midaly Standard Nail Technology (ISBN 978-1--285080475).
9:00am-2:00pm Tues.-Fri. Jan 8 – Mar 11 Fee: $186.25 160 hrs 35554 BCCC11 14/01
Manicure/Nail Technology 2 (Parallel to COS-222)
Credential earned: NC State Board of Cosmetic Arts; Manicuring License
This course covers techniques of nail technology, hand and arm surface manipulation, and recognition of nail diseases and disorders. Topics include
OSHA/safety, sanitation, bacteriology, product knowledge, salesmanship, manicures, articial applications, pedicures, surface manipulation, and
other related topics. Upon completion, students should be able to safely and competently perform nail care, including manicures, pedicures, surface
manipulations, decorating and articial applications in a salon setting. Students will need the materials required in part 1. Students must complete
Manicure/Nail Technology 1 as a prerequisite.
9:00am-2:00pm Tues.-Fri. Mar 17–May 13 Fee: $186.25 160 hrs 35570 BCCC11 14/01
Spring 2020
SMAW (Stick) Plate Welding (Parallel to WLD-116BB)
This course is designed to enhance skills with the shielded metal arc (stick) welding process. Emphasis is placed on advancing manipulative
skills with SMAW electrodes on varying joint geometry. Upon completion, students should be able to perform groove welds on carbon steel
with prescribed electrodes in the at, horizontal, vertical, and overhead positions. This is an intermediate stick welding class.
Course materials include the Modern Welding textbook (ISBN: 9781631266010) available at the BCCC bookstore (prices subject to change).
A class welding kit list is available upon demand. Kits typically costs around $225 from ARC3 Gases and will be needed for the class. Students
can also purchase the textbook and equipment list separately (equipment list available by request).
6:30pm – 7:00pm Tues. & Thurs. Jan 08 – May 13 Fee: $181.25 64 hrs 35651 BCCC4 107
7:00pm 8:30pm Tues. & Thurs. BCCC4 112
View courses online at and click on Our Programs, Continuing Education. Phone 252.940.6375
For further information about any of these programs, including transfer opportunities, or for
information about our schedule of classes for the Spring 2020 semester, please call:
Michele Mayo, Director of Admissions, at 252-940-6233.
BCCC oers an array of curriculum programs across multiple disciplines and career tracks to prepare students for transfer to university or to go
straight into the workforce. These programs include Certicate, Diploma, and Associate degree options for students interested in one semester, one
year, or two year studies. Program areas include:
The following pages only highlight some of the above programs. If you would like more information about any of our program areas please contact
our Oce of Admissions at 252-940-6233 for additional information or visit our website at
Agribusiness Technology
Associate Degree Nursing & Practical Nursing
College Transfer
Automotive Systems Technology
Basic Law Enforcement Training
Business Administration
Community Spanish Interpreter
Cosmetology and Manicuring Nail Technology
Criminal Justice Technology
Early Childhood Education
Electrical Engineering Technology & Electronics
Engineering Technology
General Occupational Technology
Human Services Technology
Information Technology
Mechanical Engineering Technology
Medical Lab Technology
Oce Administration & Medical Oce Administration
Welding Technology
Early Childhood Education (ECE)
Choose one of the three tracks listed below. All three require EDU 119, Introduction to Early Childhood Education, through which students can earn
the NC Early Childhood Credential with qualies them for employment as a teacher in a N.C.-licensed child care center. Therefore students in all three
tracks may work in the ECE eld while pursuing their Associate in Applied Science (AAS).
B-K Licensure Transfer: This track is for students who plan on transferring to a university upon completion of the ECE AAS in pursuit of a bachelor's
degree with Birth-Kindergarten (B-K) teaching license. While earning the AAS, students in the track will also earn a ECE Certicate, Infant/Todler Care
Certicate, ECE Diploma, and a Special Education Certicate. This track requires completion of 71 credit hours and student teaching.
Non-Licensure Transfer: This track is for students who plan to transfer to a university upon completion of the ECE AAS in pursuit of a bachelor's
degree in ECE/Child Development or related eld and do not desire a teaching license. While earning the AAS, students in the track will also earn
a ECE Certicate, Infant/Todler Care Certicate, ECE Administrative Certicate, ECE Diploma, and a Special Education Certicate. This track requires
completion of 71 credit hours and student teaching.
Career Entry: This track is for students who would like to go directly into the early childhood education eld as a well-prepared professional. While
earning the AAS, students in the track will also earn a ECE Certicate, Infant/Todler Care Certicate, ECE Administrative Certicate, ECE Diploma,
School-Age Certicate and a Special Education Certicate. This track requires completion of 65 credit hours and student teaching.
Spring 2020
View courses online at and click on Our Programs, Continuing Education. Phone 252.940.6375
Manicuring/Nail Technology
This curriculum provides competency-based knowledge, scientic/artistic principles, and hands-on fundamentals associated with the nail
technology industry. The curriculum provides a simulated salon environment which enables students to develop manipulative skills.
Course work includes instruction in all phases of professional nail technology, business/computer principles, product knowledge, and other related
Graduates should be prepared to take the North Carolina Cosmetology State Board Licensing Exam and, upon passing, be licensed and qualify for
employment in beauty and nail salons, as a platform artist, and in related businesses.
Visit the Cosmetology
Salon for Reduced-Price
Services We open up for
clients on January 8th.
Tuesday: 9:30-11:00 a.m.
(no color or chemical texture
Wednesday & Friday
9:30 AM-1:00 PM
9:30 AM-11:00 AM;
1:15-3:00 PM
Manicuring schedule:
10:00 a.m.-1:00 p.m.
Call 252-940-6464 to
schedule an appointment.
Human Services Technology
The Human Services Technology curriculum prepares students for entry-level positions in institutions and agencies which provide social, community,
and educational services. Along with core courses, students take courses which prepare them for specialization in specic human service areas.
Students will take courses from a variety of disciplines. Emphasis in core courses is placed on development of relevant knowledge, skills, and
attitudes in human services. Fieldwork experience will provide opportunities for application of knowledge and skills learned in the classroom.
Human Services Technology students range from recent high school graduates to adults seeking new skills or new career options. Students come
from a variety of cultural, religious, educational, and socioeconomic backgrounds; they generally share the desire to give of themselves and have
a positive impact on their communities.
Graduates should qualify for positions in mental health, child care, family services, social services, rehabilitation, correction, and educational
agencies. Graduates choosing to continue their education may select from a variety of transfer programs at senior public and private institutions.
View courses online at and click on Our Programs, Continuing Education. Phone 252.940.6375
Agribusiness Technology
This program prepares individuals to manage agricultural businesses and agriculturally related operations within diversied corporations. Potential
course work includes instruction in agriculture, agricultural specialization, business management, accounting, nance, marketing, planning, human
resources management, and other managerial responsibilities.
This curriculum is designed to provide the entrepreneurial and technical skills necessary to manage a protable, environmentally sound,
community based small farm or agricultural business. The objective is the development of a workforce knowledgeable in sustainable agriculture
practices. Students will learn the fundamentals of agriculture, focusing on crop production and business. Emphasis is placed on entrepreneurial and
eld training. Students will also learn the basic principles of our economic system and government policies and programs relating to agriculture.
Graduates should qualify for a variety of jobs in agricultural businesses such as equipment, feed, and agricultural supply sales; store management;
farm operations; wholesale and retail produce management; nursery operations; and environmental and agricultural education.
Medical Laboratory Technology
This program will provide hands-on, clinical application experiences to prepare students to perform clinical laboratory procedures that are
instrumental in the maintenance of health. Laboratory technicians assist physicians in the diagnosis and treatment of diseases.
With small class sizes and dedicated instructors, students can earn an associates degree in as few as four semesters. Core courses include Clinical
Chemistry, Hematology, Microbiology, Urinalysis, and Immunohematology (formerly known as Blood Bank).
Graduates may be eligible to take the examination given by the Board of Certication of the American Society for Clinical Pathology. Employment
opportunities include laboratories in hospitals, medical oces, industry, and research facilities.
View courses online at and click on Our Programs, Continuing Education. Phone 252.940.6375
Spring 2020
Career & College Promise
Career and College Promise (CCP) oers North Carolina students a jump-start in college or in a career while still in high school. This dual-enrollment
program allows eligible high school students to enroll in college classes at North Carolina community colleges and universities. Students who
successfully complete college courses earn transferable credits that count toward a degree, and best of all, those credits are FREE! In many cases,
students can also earn dual credit - meeting their high school graduation requirements with college courses.
College transfer courses transfer to all NC public universities and many private colleges. Students can remain a part of their high school student
body and participate in athletics, clubs, and activities with their high school classmates. CCP classes will be oered on our campus, online, broadcast
via the Information Highway and, in some cases, on your high school campus.
Students can earn credits towards a four-year college degree, technical credential, certicate, or diploma from the following program areas:
For College Transfer Pathways, students must be a high school junior or senior, have a unweighted GPA of 2.8 on high school courses, or demonstrate
college readiness in English, reading, and mathematics on approved assessments or placement test.
For Technical Education Pathways, high school freshmen and sophomores must see their high school counselor or liaison for eligibility requirements.
Juniors and Seniors must have a unweighted high school GPA of 2.8, or demostrate college college readiness on approved assesments, or have the
recommendation of your high school principal, and meet the prerequisites of the career pathway.
Agribusiness Technology
Associate in Arts
Associate in Science
Associate Degree Nursing
Automotive Systems Technology
Business Administration
Criminal Justice Technology
Early Childhood Education
Electrical Engineering Technology
Electronics Engineering Technology
Human Services Technology
Information Technology
Manicuring/Nail Technology
Mechanical Engineering Technology
Medical Oce Administration
Nurse Aide
Oce Administration
Welding Technology
University Transfer
BCCC has several college transfer agreements that guarantee admission to the university. These include:
Pirate Promise with East Carolina University
Guarantees ECU admission for students completing an Associate in Arts or Associate in Science degree with a 2.5 GPA or greater. Benets include
guaranteed admission, waived ECU transfer application fee, joint academic advising, joint nancial aid counseling and RaiseMe micro-scholarship
opportunities, ECU One Card eligibility, access to ECU libraries, and access to Here’s How ECU Career Services virtual workshop series.
Pathway to Excellence with University of North Carolina Wilmington
Guarantees UNCW admission for students completing an Associate in Arts or Associate in Science degree with a 2.5 GPA or greater. Benets include
guaranteed admission and joint academic advising.
PackTrac with NC State University
Guarantees admission into one of the 13 eligible majors with the College of Agricultural and Life Sciences. Students must maintain a cumulative
GPA of 3.0 for all transferable college course work. Benets include guaranteed admission and joint academic advising.
BSIT-Bachelor of Science in Industrial Technology with East Carolina University
Apply up to 60 hours of NCCCS equivalent coursework into the Bachelor of Science in Industrial Technology (BSIT) Transfer Program at ECU. Students
who are admitted into the university are automatically declared into the BSIT if they have or will have a qualifying AAS degree. Guarantees ECU
admission for students completing an Associate in Applied Science with a 2.5 GPA or greater. Benets include joint academic advising, access to ECU
libraries, and access to Heres How ECU Career Services virtual workshop series.
View courses online at and click on Our Programs, Continuing Education. Phone 252.940.6375
Who to Contact for Continuing Education?
Please contact our Continuing Education sta if you have questions, concerns or
suggestions! We’re here to help!
Stacey Gerard, Vice President 252-940-6241
Brenda Bertrand, Registration and Records Clerk 252-940-6375
Kendra Harrison, Records Specialist 252-940-6349
Pam Hodges, Visitation Clerk 252-940-6375
College & Career Readiness
Penelope Radclie, Director of College & Career Readiness 252-940-6298
Sandy Berry, Admissions and Assessment Specialist 252-940-6325
Bobbie Lewis, Chief High School Equivalency Examiner 252-940-6209
Tameka Tyner, Transitions Instructor & Advisor 252-940-6230
Business & Industry Services
Kisha Norman, Coordinator of HRD & Workforce Initiatives 252-940-6307
Justin Rose, Director of Industry Training 252-940-6262
Lentz Stowe, Director of Small Business Center 252-940-6306
Sara Watson, Director of Customized Training and Apprenticeships 252-940-6311
Personal Enrichment
Clay Carter, Director of Personal Enrichment & BCCC Centers 252-940-6357
Healthcare Programs & First Responder
Jackie Butcher, Director of Healthcare Programs 252-940-6263
Billy Respass, Director of EMS 252-940-6468
Larry Gales, Coordinator of EMS 252-940-6297
Perry Harris, Director of Law Enforcement Training 252-940-6405
Johnny Williams, Director of Fire & Emergency Management Training 252-940-6363
Hyde County Davis Center
Karen Carawan, Workforce & Continuing Education Coordinator 252-940-6231
Washington County Center
Yashonti Hunt, Workforce & Continuing Education Coordinator 252-940-6245
Who to Contact for Academic Programs?
Please contact one of the following if you have questions, concerns or suggestions!
We’re here to help!
Dr. Jay Sullivan, Vice President of Academics......................................................... 252-940-6417
Ben Morris, Dean of Business, Technology & Public Services ............................... 252-940-6374
Kent Dickerson, Director of Nursing and Allied Health ......................................... 252-940-6425
Lisa Hill, Dean of Arts and Sciences ......................................................................... 252-940-6223
Michele Mayo, Director of Admissions.................................................................... 252-940-6233
Would you like to be added to our mailing list to receive a copy of our BCCC Course
Schedule mailed to your home as it is released? We release schedules for Spring,
Summer and Fall. Just call 252-940-6375 or visit to add your name to our mailing list.
Would you like to be added to our email newsletter list for regular updates from the
BCCC Continuing Education Division? Call us at 252-940-6375 or visit and request to be added.
Beaufort County Community College is a public, comprehensive community college that provides open-door access to university transfer, workforce development, and life-long learning
programs for the people of Beaufort, Hyde, Tyrrell, and Washington Counties.
BCCC maintains an open door admissions policy. This policy provides admission to any person who has reached the age of 18 or whose high school class has graduated. High school student
applicants 16 years of age or older may be admitted into credit and continuing education courses in accordance with the dual enrollment policies adopted by the state. Applicants are admitted
regardless of race, gender, age, religion, national origin, disability or political aliation.
Beaufort County Community College is accredited by the Commission on Colleges of the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools to award associate degrees, certicates and diplomas.
Contact the Commission on Colleges at 1866 Southern Lane, Decatur, Georgia 30033-4097,or call 404-679-4500 for questions about the
accreditation of BCCC.
An Equal Opportunity/Armative Action Institution
Beaufort County
Community College
US Hwy. 264 East
Washington, NC 27889
5000 copies of this public document were printed at a cost of $1.24 per copy.
This schedule listing should not be considered a contract between Beaufort County Community College and any student. Errors
may occur in preparing for publication. Changes may be necessary for various reasons. A minimum enrollment may be required
to oer a course or continue a sequence of courses. Tuition and fees are subject to change by the State Legislature. There may be
changes in the class schedule for inclement weather. If changes are necessary, an eort will be made to inform the students who
are preregistered or enrolled.
Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA)
The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) (20 U.S.C. § 1232g; 34 CFR Part 99) is a Federal law that protects the privacy
of student education records. The law applies to all schools that receive funds under an applicable program of the U.S. Department
of Education. For more information, please visit this link:
Washington, NC
Permit No. 3
5337 Highway 264 East, Washington, NC 27889 • 252-946-6194
100 NC Hwy 32 North, Roper, NC 27970 • 252-940-6425
33460 US Highway 264, Engelhard, NC 27824 • 252-940-6231