Completing the Residential
Earthquake Risk Disclosure
Statement ...........................12-13
Identifying and Disclosing
Earthquake Risks ................ 14-25
Water Heaters .............................. 14
Unbolted Foundations ................. 15
Crawl Space (Cripple) Walls ......... 17
Pier-and-Post Foundations ........... 18
Unreinforced Masonry
Foundations ................................. 19
Hillside Homes ............................. 20
Unreinforced Masonry Walls
......... 21
Rooms over Garages ................... 22
Unreinforced Masonry
Chimneys ..................................... 23
Inadequate Foundation ............... 24
Homes with
Unique Designs ............................ 25
You are not required to remove
siding, drywall, or plaster or to hire
an inspector to determine the
answer to a question. Also, you are
not required to fix or retrofit your
home before you sell the property.
Earthquake Risks & the
Disclosure Statement
Earthquakes in California can occur at any time and without
warning. To prevent injuries and avoid costly property
damage, homeowners should determine the potential for
earthquake risks in their homes and then retrofit or upgrade
these conditions. If not corrected, these risks can lead to:
• Severe property damage, including foundation
damage and damage to floors, walls, and windows
• Loss of personal property
• Broken utilities, which can result in fire, water damage,
and spread of toxic substances
• Personal injuries
In addition, under California law, sellers of homes built
before 1960 must disclose known earthquake risks to
buyers as part of the property sales process.
Completing the Residential Earthquake Risk
Disclosure Statement
When you sell a home built before 1960, you are required to
fill out the Residential Earthquake Risk Disclosure Statement,
(see next page) and give the completed statement to the
buyer. You are required to answer each question to the best
of your knowledge.
To complete the Disclosure Statement, answer:
“Yes” if you know your home is protected from the risk
(e.g., for Item #1, answer “Yes” if your home’s water
heater is properly braced)
“No” if you know your home is at risk (e.g., for Item #6,
answer “No” if your home’s exterior brick walls are not
“Doesn’t Apply” if the question is not relevant to your
home (e.g., for Item #7, answer “Doesn’t Apply” if your
home does not have a living space over the garage)
“Don’t Know” if you do not have adequate information
to answer the question