14 Sec. 202 United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement Implementat...
ters 84 through 90 or under heading 9402, other than a good
classified under heading 8418, 8509, 8510, 8516, or 8703 or
subheading 8414.51, 8450.11, 8450.12, 8508.11, or 8517.11,
(A) is entirely or partially composed of recovered mate-
(B) has a life expectancy similar to, and performs in
a manner that is the same as or similar to, such a good
when new; and
(C) has a factory warranty similar to that applicable
to such a good when new.
(20) R
.—The term ‘‘royalties’’ means payments of
any kind, including payments under technical assistance or
similar agreements, made as consideration for the use of, or
right to use, a copyright, literary, artistic, or scientific work,
patent, trademark, design, model, plan, or secret formula or se-
cret process, excluding payments under technical assistance or
similar agreements that can be related to a specific service
such as—
(A) personnel training, without regard to where the
training is performed; or
(B) if performed in the territory of one or more
USMCA countries, engineering, tooling, die-setting, soft-
ware design and similar computer services, or other serv-
(21) S
.—The term ‘‘sales promotion, marketing, and
after-sales service costs’’ means the costs related to sales pro-
motion, marketing, and after-sales service for the following:
(A) Sales and marketing promotion, media advertising,
advertising and market research, promotional and dem-
onstration materials, exhibits, sales conferences, trade
shows, conventions, banners, marketing displays, free sam-
ples, sales, marketing, and after-sales service literature
(product brochures, catalogs, technical literature, price
lists, service manuals, and sales aid information), estab-
lishment and protection of logos and trademarks, sponsor-
ships, wholesale and retail charges, and entertainment.
(B) Sales and marketing incentives, consumer, re-
tailer, or wholesaler rebates, and merchandise incentives.
(C) Salaries and wages, sales commissions, bonuses,
benefits (such as medical, insurance, and pension benefits),
traveling and living expenses, and membership and profes-
sional fees for sales promotion, marketing, and after-sales
service personnel.
(D) Product liability insurance.
(E) Rent and depreciation of sales promotion, mar-
keting, and after-sales service offices and distribution cen-
(F) Payments by the producer to other persons for
warranty repairs.
(G) If the costs are identified separately for sales pro-
motion, marketing, or after-sales service of goods on the fi-
VerDate Nov 24 2008 09:12 Jul 11, 2022 Jkt 000000 PO 00000 Frm 00014 Fmt 9001 Sfmt 9001 G:\COMP\TRADE\USAIA.BEL HOLC
July 11, 2022
As Amended Through P.L. 116-260, Enacted December 27, 2020